Setting Up Packages for Active Directory GPO Installations


If you use Active Directory Group Policy Objects (GPO) to automatically distribute software packages in a domain, you must create and configure a custom package for the GPO to install the Commvault software.

Use this method if remote installations from the CommCell Console do not meet your needs and if you prefer to use Active Directory GPO installations.


  1. Create a custom package with the agents that you need and configure the package as a self-extracting executable.

    For more information, see Creating a Custom Package for Windows Computers.

    During the package creation, on the Custom Package Options page, select the following options:

    • Create self-extracting executable

    • Save user answers in the custom package

    • Create a de-coupled installation package

  2. Log on to the Active Directory computer as the domain administrator.

  3. Configure a Group Policy Object to remotely install the custom package on the clients in the domain.

    1. Open the Group Policy Management administrative tool. If the tool is not installed, you can install it by using the Windows Server Manager.

    2. Create a GPO. For more information, go to the Microsoft TechNet website.

    3. Link the GPO that you created to your domain.

      From the Group Policy Management console tree, right-click the domain, click Link an Existing GPO, and then select the GPO.

    4. Configure the GPO to use the self-extracting executable file. Switch the GPO into edit mode (for more information, see the Microsoft TechNet website), and then perform the following steps:

      1. From the tree in the Group Policy Object Editor window, expand the Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings node, and then click Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).

        The right pane of the window displays the startup and shutdown scripts.

      2. Right-click the Startup script, and then click Properties.

      3. In the Startup Properties dialog box, click Show Files.

        The Startup directory appears. Copy the self-extracting executable file to this directory.

      4. In the Startup Properties dialog box, click Add.

        The Add a Script window appears.

      5. In the Script Name box, click Browse, and then select the self-extracting executable file.

      6. In the Script Parameters box, enter the following: /s /install /silent

      7. Click OK.

      8. Click OK to close the Startup Properties dialog box.

      9. Expand the Administrative Templates > System node (under Computer Configuration), and then click Scripts.

        The right pane of the window displays system settings.

      10. Right-click the Run startup scripts asynchronously setting, and then click Properties.

      11. In the Run startup scripts asynchronously Properties dialog box, select Enabled, and then click OK.


After you configure the Active Directory GPO, the custom package is automatically installed when the client computer is restarted.

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