Skip IntelliSnap Backup of Oracle Archive Logs

For subclients that contain data and archive logs, you can choose to run an IntelliSnap backup of only the data volume by configuring the logs to use RMAN. When the backup uses RMAN, the log backup uses the traditional backup method.

Best Practice: Use this backup method when:

  • The log volume is located on a non snap-able device.

  • The instance that contains the archive logs in the Oracle RAC database is not shared.

The software runs the IntelliSnap backup and RMAN log backup as 2 separate jobs. You must configure the catalog connect database for the instance because the control file from the snapshot does not record the log backup information.

When a FULL job is submitted for this subclient, the IntelliSnap job will be marked as FULL and the RMAN log job will be marked as Incremental. The entire set of logs are backed up and the software marks them as Incremental so that the IntelliSnap data and RMAN logs are part of the same cycle. During the data aging process, the data will be retained correctly based on the retention rules.

Best Practice: Use this option when you snap archive log volume in high transactional databases where check points frequently occur.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > Oracle.

  2. Right-click the subclient and click Properties.

    The Subclient Properties dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Log Backup.

  4. Select the Use RMAN for Log Backup check box.

  5. Click OK.
