Snapshot Configuration Properties of the NetApp SolidFire Storage Array


The Snap Configuration tab contains properties that affect the behavior of the storage array in your environment.



Mount Retry Interval (in seconds)

The time interval (in seconds) after which the mount operation will no longer be retried.

The default value is 60.

Mount Retry Count

The number of retry attempts for a mount operation.

The default value is 5.

Create new Volume Access Group if not present

Select this option to create a new volume access group on the array during the map operation, if a volume access group is not already created.

The default value is true.

Use iSCSI if FC WWPNs are not connected

Select this option to use iSCSI for the map operation, if Fibre Channel (FC) port World Wide Names (WWPNs) are not connected.

The default value is false.

Override default IOPS for mount clones

When selected, overrides the default input/output operations per second (IOPS) for mount clones that is used for the backup copy operation with the values of the snapshot properties below: min IOPS, max IOPS, and burst IOPS. The default selection is clear, and the original IOPS value of parent volume is used.


min IOPS <= max IOPS <= burst IOPS

Min IOPS for mount clones

The minimum IOPS value for mount clones. The default value is 50.

Max IOPS for mount clones

The maximum IOPS value for mount clones. The default value is 15000.

Burst IOPS for mount clones

The burst IOPS value for mount clones. The default value is 15000.

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