Spare Group Properties (General)


Use this dialog box to create new media groups or to view or modify the properties of a spare group.

Group Name

The name of the spare group.


The name of the library to which the spare group is attached.

Watermark for Spare Media in the Pool

  • Low

    The minimum number of media that should be available inside the library for the spare group at all times. If the number of available media falls below the specified amount, the system generates an event message and generates the MediaAgents (Insufficient Storage) alert, if the alert is configured.

  • High

    The maximum number of media in the spare group. The high watermark is used as a reference to discover new media in the group automatically if the Auto-Discovery options are enabled in the library on the Library Properties (Media) tab.

    Limit to

    The maximum number of media in the spare group.


    Specifies that there is no maximum limit to the number of media in the spare group.

Spare/Cleaning Media Selection Criteria

  • Use most reused media first

    Specifies that the most recycled media is used first when a job requires a media, and that there is recycled media available in the scratch pool.

  • Use least reused media first

    Specifies that the least recycled media or new media is used first when a job requires a media, and that there is new media is available in the scratch pool.

  • Use media based on capacity

    Specifies whether you want to use and fill the lower capacity media first or the higher capacity media first.


Specifies the priority for the media group. Together with High watermark, this option is used by the automatic media discovery operation to distribute new media across spare groups if the Auto-Discovery options are enabled in the library in the Library Properties (Media) tab.

For example, for a spare media group the low watermark is set to 10 and the priority has been set as High. This will ensure the following:

  • A minimum of 10 media will always be available in the scratch pool. (When the minimum falls below the established watermark, the system generates an event message.)

  • When new media is imported, or when existing media is recycled, the system will always assign media to media groups with priority set to high until the watermark limit is reached, before assigning media to medium and low priority media groups.

No. of Media

The number of media that are currently available in the spare group.

Media Type

  • Default Media Type

    Specifies the default media type for the spare group media.


Before you perform a backup operation, always verify and ensure that there is enough media available in the spare group that is associated with the library. Backup operations might be affected if the media in the scratch pool is insufficient.

You can determine which spare groups are below their low watermark levels in the Media Information (Scratch Pools) report.

Watermark is not applicable for stand-alone drives.

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