Starting the Cloud Test Tool


Windows Operating System

  1. Log on to the Windows MediaAgent that is associated with the cloud library.

  2. In Windows Explorer, go to the <software installation path>\Base folder, and then double-click CloudTestTool.exe.

    The command prompt appears.

    CloudTestTool, Version 11.0.0
     This program will perform simple cloud server tests for you.
     Press <ENTER> to begin...

Unix Operating System

  1. Log on to the UNIX MediaAgent that is associated with the cloud library.

  2. At the UNIX prompt # or [root@servername], type:

    [root@servername]# /opt/commvault/Base/CloudTestTool

    The CloudTestTool prompt appears.

    CloudTestTool, Version 11.0.0
     This program will perform simple cloud server tests for you
     Press <ENTER> to begin...

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