Subclient Properties (Filters)


Use this dialog box to add, modify, or view the filters on the selected subclient. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Include Global Filters

Displays a list of options for enabling or disabling Global Filters which can be used in addition to the filters set at the subclient level to exclude data from data protection operations for this subclient. To change the setting, select one of the following values from the list:

  • ON - Enables Global Filters for this subclient.

  • OFF - Disables Global Filters for this subclient.

  • Use Cell Level Policy - Enables or disables Global Filters for this subclient depending on whether the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is enabled or disabled on the Control Panel (Global Filters) dialog. If the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is enabled, then the Use Cell Level Policy option will enable Global Filters on this subclient. If the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is disabled, then the Use Cell Level Policy option will disable Global Filters on this subclient.

Exclude these files/folders/patterns:

Displays entries that will be excluded from data protection operations for this subclient.

Except for these files/folders/patterns:

Displays entries that will be included in data protection operations for this subclient or Replication Set in cases where a parent object is listed in the Exclude filter.


Click to manually add a path for the data to be excluded from data protection operations for this subclient. You can also use wildcards to define filters for a subclient. See Wildcards for a list of supported wildcards.

The .snapshot directories under the root of all the volumes are automatically filtered to avoid duplicate backups.


Click to browse for an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient.


Click to delete a selected filter entry.


Click to manually edit an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient.

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