Viewing Log Files for Completed or Failed Jobs

You can view the logs for a completed or a failed job.

In the view log screen the limit for viewing a page in the log file is set to 10,000 lines. By default, for viewing the failed jobs, the limit for log lines is set to 5000 lines. If you want to set the number of lines that can be viewed, use the additional settings nViewLogsLinesMaxLimit and modify the value to the number of lines you want to see in the view log screen.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click a client, point to View, and then click Job History.

    The Job History Filter dialog box appears.

  2. Click OK.

    The Data Management Job History tab appears.

  3. Right-click a job, and then select View Logs.

    The log file for the selected job appears in the Log File dialog box.

After the log file is open, you can search for specific information or filter the information in the file. To access these features, in the log viewer window, click Search.

Tip: Select the information you want to find or filter before you click Search.
