VMW0039: You do not have access rights to this file (VMware)



When performing a backup in SAN mode, the following error is shown in the vsbkp.log and VixDisk.log:

You do not have access rights to this file


Windows 2008 R2 provided access for SAN mode transport when disks were offline; but in Windows 2012 disks must be online to be accessed. If the SAN policy for disks is Offline, disks are not accessible unless they are set to Online on the proxy.


To enable backups using SAN transport on Windows 2012 servers, use one of the following approaches:

  • Set the disk to Online on the proxy.

  • Change the SAN policy to onlineall and set the SAN disk to read-only except for restores. You can use the diskpart utility to clear the read-only flag.

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