Workflow FAQ


What are the main workflow components?

The automation of tasks in a workflow depends on the following components:

  • Workflow Engine: Runs the activities configured in a Workflow.

  • Workflow Editor Window: Provides the necessary tools to design a Workflow. This window is accessed from the CommCell Console.

What are predefined workflows?

Predefined Workflows are workflows that are provided with the CommServe software by default. You can access these workflows from the CommCell Console and Web Console.

Can the CommCell administrator modify Workflows that were created by other CommCell users?

Yes. There are cases when the administrator wants to modify a workflow in order to allow operations that require higher user capabilities to run (by adding the impersonateCreator activity). Instead of doing this, the workflow creator should add the impersonateLogin activity and specify the credentials of a user who has sufficient privileges to run those operations.

Can any CommCell user see all the available Workflows in the CommCell?

No. By default, workflows can be viewed and managed only by the user who created them, and by the CommCell administrator. However, you can configure the workflow to be available to other users and user groups. For more information, see Workflow Security.