XML Parameters for Oracle Instance Configuration


The following table lists the supported Oracle instance parameters.


Description of Parameter Values


A general description of the instance.


The name of the application, 'oracle'.


The name of the client computer group, as displayed in the CommCell Console. The configuration is updated for Oracle instances on all the clients in the client computer group.


The name of the client computer, as displayed in the CommCell Console where the instance is located.

Skip this parameter if you want to specify a client computer group name.


The name of the Oracle instance.

Skip this parameter if you want to specify a client computer group name.


The path to the TNS Admin directory.


The block size for backup and restore operations on the selected instance.

The value must be a multiple of the minimum physical block size of the Oracle database.


The file path for the Oracle application software.

domainName (Windows only)

The name of the domain server.

password (Windows only)

The user who can access the Oracle application from the CommCell Console.

The user must be a Local Administrator of the computer hosting the Oracle database, and be a member of the ora_dba group with read/write permissions on the Commvault folder.

oracleUser/userName (UNIX only)

The user who can to access the Oracle application from the CommCell Console.

On UNIX operating systems, this is the Oracle User account used for performing Oracle backups.


The account with database administrator privileges to access the Oracle database (standard and recovery catalog databases) to use for the Connect String.


The Oracle service name.


The connect password for the Oracle user.


The Oracle recovery catalog service name.


Name of the user with privileges to access the Oracle recovery catalog database.


Password for the catalog connect user.


The configuration options available AUTOBACKUP of control file so that every time a BACKUP or COPY command is executed in RMAN, an autobackup of the control file is performed.

Valid values are:

  • 0, disable autobackup of the control file.

  • 1, if the backup includes a datafile, then RMAN does not automatically include the current control file in the datafile backup set, but writes the control file and server parameter file to a separate autobackup piece. If the backup does not include a datafile, the control file and server parameter file is written to their own autobackup piece.

  • 2, if the backup includes a datafile, then RMAN automatically includes the current control file and server parameter file in the datafile backup set. RMAN does not create a separate autobackup piece containing the control file and server parameter file.


Name of the data storage policy.


Enable or disable the RMAN CROSSCHECK operation during a data aging operation.

Valid values are:

  • true, disable the RMAN crosscheck

  • false, enable the RMAN crosscheck


Enable encryption.

Valid values are:

  • ENC_MEDIA_ONLY, enable Media Only (MediaAgent Side) encryption

  • ENC_NETWORK_MEDIA, enable Network and Media (Agent Side) encryption

  • ENC_NETWORK_ONLY, enable Network Only (Agent Encrypts, MediaAgent Decrypts) encryption

  • ENC_NONE, no encryption


Enable or disable On-Demand backups.

Valid values are:

  • true, the instance is an On-Demand backup instance

  • false, the instance is not an On-Demand backup instance


Use this parameter when you create an instance. The number of backup streams used for archive log backups.

The maximum number of streams is determined by the value established for the Storage Policy. For an existing instance (Oracle SID), you can use this parameter to change the number of archive log backup streams.


When you create a new instance (Oracle SID), this is the storage policy used for command line backups and restores.

For an existing instance (Oracle SID), select a new command line storage policy, which applies only to new command line backup jobs (those command line backup jobs that you subsequently start).


Deduplication signature generated on the client or MediaAgent computer.

Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, enable signature generation on the client

  • ON_MEDIA_AGENT, enable signature generation on the MediaAgent

  • OFF, disable the signature generation


When you create a new instance (Oracle SID), the storage policy used for log backups and restores.

For an existing instance (Oracle SID), select a new log storage policy, which applies only to new log backup jobs (those backup jobs that you subsequently start).


The number of data pipes per processes, that the client uses to transfer data over a network.

Increasing this value may provide better throughput if the network and the network configuration in your environment can support it.

The default value is 2, and a maximum of 4 can be established if necessary.


Enable compression on the client or MediaAgent computer.

Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, enable software compression on the client

  • ON_MEDIAAGENT, enable software compression on the MediaAgent

  • USE_STORAGE_POLICY_SETTINGS, use the software compression options defined on the storage policy

  • OFF, disable software compression


Control backup throughput.

By default, this option is not selected and the throughput is not controlled.

Use this to specify a value for the throughput. By default, this is set to 500.

Valid values are 2-2147483647.


Override the library specified in the command line storage policy.

Valid values are:

  • true, override the command line storage policy

  • false, do not override the command line storage policy


Override the library specified in the log storage policy.

Valid values are:

  • true, override the log storage policy library

  • false, do not override the log storage policy library


Use the catalog connect option.

When selected, a connection is established between the target database and the recovery catalog database by using the specified connect string, and the recovery catalog database is used for backups. When cleared, there is no connection between the target database and the recovery catalog database, and the target database control files are used for backups.

Valid values are:

  • true, use the catalog connect option

  • false, do not use the catalog connect option


You can use this option when you have configured the Secure External Password store (Oracle Wallet) feature that stores password credentials, and you want to use those credentials during the data protection operations. For more information on the Secure External Password Store, go to the Oracle documentation website, Secure External Password Store.

When you use the Oracle Wallet, the Commvault software does not use the Oracle Connect String to connect to the Oracle database, so you only need to provide the Oracle Service Name.

Note: If you provide the user name and password, the Oracle Wallet feature is not used.

Valid values are:

  • true, Use the Oracle Wallet Manager

  • false, do not use the Oracle Wallet Manager


Option that indicates if the instance uses a license.

Valid values are:

  • true, instance uses a license

  • false, instance does not use a license


When you create a new instance (Oracle SID), this is the storage policy used for data backups and restores.

For an existing instance (Oracle SID), select a new data storage policy, which applies only to new data backup jobs (those backup jobs that you subsequently start).


For an existing instance, the unique database identifier (DBID) for this instance is displayed. The DBID is used to identify the which database a datafile and tablespace belong to, and is used in control file of this database.


Option that indicates the type of operation on instant clones.

Valid values are:

  • 1, deletes an instant clone

  • 2, extends an instant clone


The Oracle instant clone job ID. You can find the clone job ID on the Clones page in the Command Center. For more information, see Managing Oracle Clones.


The expiration time that you want to set for the Oracle instant clone, in the Unix epoch time format.

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