Adding a MySQL Database Instance

When you need to manage a MySQL database, add an instance for the database.

When you add an instance, a default database group is automatically created. The default database group includes all the data in the MySQL database.


You cannot delete the default database group.

About This Task

When you discover MySQL instances, the newly discovered instances are assigned a plan as follows:

  • If the MySQL server is installed from the Command Center, then the newly discovered instances inherit the plan of the server.

  • If the MySQL server is not installed from the Command Center, then you must set a plan for the newly discovered instances.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Solutions > Databases > DB Instances.

    The Instances page appears.

  2. Click Add instance > MySQL.

    The Add MySQL instance dialog box appears.

  3. From the Server name list, select the server where you want to create the instance.

  4. In the Instance name box, type a name for the instance.

  5. In the Database user box, type the user name to access the MySQL application.

  6. In the Password box, type the password to access the MySQL application.

  7. If you are using a Linux platform, then in the UNIX username box, type the Linux operating system user name.

  8. In the Socket file box, enter the path to the socket file.

  9. In the Binary Directory box, enter the path to the directory where the MySQL application files are stored.

  10. In the Log Data Directory box, enter the path to the directory where the log files are stored.

  11. In the Configuration file box, enter the path to the configuration file as shown in the following examples:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini

    • UNIX: /etc/my.cnf

  12. From the Plan list, select a server plan.

  13. Click Add.
