Adding a Repository to Download Center

A repository is the location that hosts the files in the Download Center. You can add as many repositories as you require.

For more information about the types of repositories, see Download Center.

Before You Begin

  • For Web Server repositories, review the following requirements:

    • To browse the Web Server repository, you must have the Live Browse permission associated with the Web Server client.

    • The Network Services account must have full permissions for the specified folder.

  • For network repositories, you need the credentials of a user who can access the network location.

  • For ObjectStore repositories, review the following requirements:

    • You must configure an ObjectStore in your CommCell environment. For more information, see Configuring an ObjectStore.

    • You must know the URL of the Web Server associated with the ObjectStore. You configured this Web Server when you configured the ObjectStore.

    • You need the credentials for a user who is assigned permissions to manage data in the ObjectStore. You created this user account when you configured the ObjectStore


  1. Log on to the Web Console.

    For information, see Accessing the Web Console.

  2. Click Download Center.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click the Configure Download Center button managebutton.


    If this is the first time you are configuring the Download Center, on the Welcome to Download Center page, click Create A Download Repository.

    The Manage Repositories page appears.

  4. From the Type of Repository list, select a repository type as follows:

    • To store download packages on a Web Server client, click Web Servers.

    • To store download packages on a network location, click A Network Location.

    • To store download packages in an ObjectStore that is configured in your CommCell environment, click Commvault Object Store.

  5. Enter the repository information as follows:

    • For Web Server repositories, enter the following:

      • In the Repository Name box, enter the name of the repository as you want it to appear in the Download Center.

      • From the Web Server list, select the name of the Web Server.

    • For network location repositories, enter the following:

      • In the Repository Name box, enter the name of the repository as you want it to appear in the Download Center.

      • In the Network Location box, enter the path to the network location that you want to use.

        For example, enter \\fileServerA\shareDrive1.

      • In the User Name box and the Password box, enter the credentials of a user who can access the network location.

    • For ObjectStore repositories, enter the following:

      • In the Repository Name box, enter the name of the repository as you want it to appear in the Download Center.

      • In the WebConsole URL box, enter the Web Console URL for the Web Server that you configured for the ObjectStore.

        For example, enter


        This is the same URL that you access the ObjectStore with by using either the Edge interface or APIs.

      • In the User Name box and the Password box, enter the credentials of the user account that has permissions to manage data in the ObjectStore.

  6. To verify the repository information, click Validate.

  7. Click Save.

    The repository appears at the bottom of the page in the Download Repository list.
