Best Practices - Search Engine

The sections below describe recommendations to help achieve optimal performance when using the Search Engine.

Secure Access to the Search Engine and Content Indexing Data

To prevent unauthorized access to the Search Engine and content indexing data, follow the configurations for securing access to the Search Engine components. See Securing Access to the Search Engine and Content Indexing Data.

Backing Up the Web Server Database

After installing and configuring a Web Server for Compliance Search, we recommend that you schedule regular backups of the Web Server DM2 database. The DM2 database contains data that is crucial to Compliance Search. See Backing Up the Web Server Database.

Content Indexing Index Retention

It is recommended that you set shorter index retention when Content Indexing for an end-user search capability, since end users will be interested only in recent data.

System Requirements for Content Indexing

As the content indexing operation is both resource intensive and also requires a certain amount of free space, make sure that the memory and space requirements satisfy the requirements specified in System Requirements - Search Engine.

Disable Windows Search Indexing on Search Engine Nodes

Windows Search is a desktop search platform included in the Windows operating systems. We recommend you disable the Windows Search indexing service on the drives of your Search Engine nodes that contain a content index. This will ensure that hardware resources on the Search Engine node are available for Commvault content indexing and search. To disable Windows Search indexing service on a drive, see Microsoft's documentation for your version of Windows.

Excluding Folders from Anti-Virus Scanning

Exclude the following directory from any anti-virus scanning software running on the MediaAgent:

  • <software installation path>\iDataAgent\JobResults

Exclude the following folders from any anti-virus scanning software running on the search engine nodes:

  • <software installation path>\CVCIEngine\solr\CIIndex

  • <software installation path>\CIServer\temp

Content Indexing Data of a Subclient

To ensure that the protected data associated with the Subclients (in the Client) are content indexed, make sure that the required Subclients point to a Storage Policy (Copy) in which Content Indexing is enabled.

Better Performance of the Search Engine

You can perform the following operations for better performance of the Search Engine:

  • Volumes should be striped.

  • Temp location on the system environment variable should be set to the same striped volume.

  • Job results directory should be located in the striped volume.

  • The page cache should be distributed on different volumes.

Check Document Support for Content Indexing

Before attempting to push custom document types through the Search Engine, it is recommended that you use the Document Support for Content Indexing application to verify that the documents can be content indexed successfully. Performing this check for a sample of documents can save you time by identifying potential issues with custom document types before they happen during a content indexing operation.

For example, Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is a popular file type. However, PDFs can be generated from a variety of different programs and services, which can lead to inconsistencies and issues during content indexing. Therefore, it is recommended that you verify a sample of the PDFs in your environment using the Document Support for Content Indexing application. Then if an issue is discovered, the unsupported documents can be converted to a supported format before being content indexed.

The Document Support for Content Indexing application is available from the Web Console in the Cloud Applications section.

  1. In your web browser, navigate to

  2. Type your Username and Password.

  3. Select the Stay Logged In checkbox, and then click Login.

  4. Type your company name in the Company box.

    You can change the description in the Request box, or keep the default description.

  5. Click Add Files.

    A file upload field appears.

  6. Click Browse...

    The File Upload box appears.

  7. Navigate to the file you want to upload, select the file, and then click Open.

    The full path of the selected file appears in the file upload field.

    You can click Add Files as many times as you want to upload additional files to the preview.

  8. Click Submit to process the files.


    Depending on the size and number of documents you upload, this might take some time.

    When this process is complete, the message, "Your upload has completed successfully," appears.

Testing IOPS of Search Engine Nodes with IOmeter

Measure Input Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) using IOmeter, an industry standard tool. Measuring IOPS provides a standard and simplified way to help you commission disk storage for Search Engine nodes. For instructions, see Testing IOPS of Search Engine Nodes with IOmeter.
