
The following sections list the alert types available within the Configuration category along with important details such as:

  • User permissions needed to use the alert

  • CommCell entities that can be associated with the alert

  • Criteria that trigger the alert

  • Available alert tokens

Client Groups

Use this alert to monitor any changes made to the properties of one or more client groups.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management

Client Groups

Properties Modified


The properties of a client computer group have been modified.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor the disk space and certificate expiration of one or more client computers, as well any client property change.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Agent Management or Alert Management


Client Groups


Alert when client certificate expires within n days


The client certificate expired within the specified number of days.

Disk Space Low


The disk space for the client software installation and system directories (including the Job Results folder) reached the minimum thresholds:

  • The thresholds for the software installation and system directories, as well as the frequency interval at which the directories are monitored, are configurable. For information on configuring the thresholds, see Configuring Space Check for Software Installation and System Directories.

  • The threshold for the Job Results directory is configurable. For information on configuring the threshold, see Setting the Minimum Free Space for the Job Results Directory.

    If the Data Classification Enabler is installed, this alert is sent if 85% or more of the volume disk space is consumed.

    If the Content Indexing Engine is installed, this alert is sent if 80% or more of the volume disk space is consumed or if the minimum free space falls below 10 GB.

Disk Space low for software install directory


The disk space for the client software installation and system directories reached the minimum thresholds.

The thresholds for the software installation and system directories, as well as the frequency interval at which the directories are monitored, are configurable. For information on configuring the thresholds, see Configuring Space Check for Software Installation and System Directories.

Disk Space low for Job Results directory


The disk space for the Job Results directory reached the minimum thresholds.

The threshold for the Job Results directory is configurable. For information on configuring the threshold, see Setting the Minimum Free Space for the Job Results Directory.

Properties Modified


The properties of a client/agent were modified, or there was an unauthorized attempt to change the properties.

This alert is also generated if the agent content, pre-post commands, or storage policy of a subclient are modified.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor the CommCell when:

  • A number of failed login attempts occurred

  • Existing alerts have been modified

  • Disk space is low

  • CommCell components have been deconfigured

  • CommServe properties have been modified

    User Permissions

    Associated Entities


    Severity Level


    Administrative Management or Alert Management permission with a CommCell level association

    Not Applicable

    Alert every n failed login attempts


    There were a number of failed attempts to log on to the CommCell.

    Alert Modified


    The properties of an alert were modified, such as:

    • A user was added or removed from the alert.

    • There was an unauthorized attempt to modify the properties.

    Disk Space Low


    The minimum thresholds have been reached for the CommServe software installation and system directories, or there is insufficient disk space for the CommServe database to grow.

    The threshold for the CommServe database directory and the frequency interval at which the database directory is monitored are configurable in the Control Panel > System dialog box (Database space check interval and Database Space Check Thresholds).

    Force De-configured


    A user failed or succeeded to deconfigure an Agent, Client, or MediaAgent.

    Properties Modified


    The properties of the CommServe were modified, or there was an unauthorized attempt to change the properties.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Edge drive/Share operations

Use this alert to monitor any changes made to the shares in the Webconsole.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management

Edge drive/Share operations

Edge drive/Share operations


Any changes made to a share, for example, renaming a share, adding comments to a share or changes made to the size of a share. For more information about sharing data, see Share Data Using Web Console

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor any changes made to the properties of one or more libraries in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Library Management or Alert Management


Properties Modified


The properties of a library were modified, such as:

  • An overwrite media option was selected for the library.

  • There was an unauthorized attempt to change properties of a library.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor the expiration and consumption of licenses in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management permission with a CommCell level association

Not Applicable

Alert CommServe License Expires With n Days


The CommServe license expired within the specified number of days.

Alert when Licenses Consumed reaches n Percent


The consumption of CommCell licenses has reached the specified percentage.

License Capacity Usage details are updated every 24 hours. It may also be updated if a Data Aging Job is run or if CommServe services are restarted.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor the disk space and online status of one or more MediaAgents, as well as any MediaAgent property change.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Media Management or Alert Management


DDB Store got corrupted


A deduplication database store got corrupted.

DDB disk space low


The deduplication databases on the selected MediaAgents are monitored for low disk space based on the free space thresholds set on the storage policy copy: Minimum Free Space (MB) and Free Space Warning (MB). For information on the free space thresholds, see Deduplication - DDB Information.

Disk Space Low


The disk space for the MediaAgent software installation and system directories (including the Index Cache folder) reached the minimum thresholds.

  • The thresholds for the software installation and system directories, as well as the frequency interval at which the directories are monitored, are configurable. For information on configuring the thresholds, see Configuring Space Check for Software Installation and System Directories.

  • The threshold for the MediaAgents Index Cache directory is configurable. To configure the threshold, go to MediaAgent > Properties > Catalog > Generate alerts when free space falls below n GB.

Disk Space low for Index Cache


The disk space for the Index Cache reached the minimum thresholds.

The threshold for the MediaAgents Index Cache directory is configurable. To configure the threshold, go to MediaAgent > Properties > Catalog > Generate alerts when free space falls below n GB.

Disk Space low for software install directory


The disk space for the MediaAgent software installation and system directories reached the minimum thresholds.

The thresholds for the software installation and system directories, as well as the frequency interval at which the directories are monitored, are configurable. For information on configuring the thresholds, see Configuring Space Check for Software Installation and System Directories.

MediaAgent went Offline


A MediaAgent was switched off or went offline.

Note: If MediaAgent is marked offline for maintenance mode, then the alert will not be generated. For more information, see Mark MediaAgent Offline for Maintenance.

However, you can use the MediaAgent in Maintenance Mode alert rule to receive alert notification when the MediaAgent is marked offline for maintenance. For more information, see Alerts and Notifications - Installing Alert Rules from the Commvault Store.

Properties Modified


The properties of a MediaAgent were modified, or there was an unauthorized attempt to change the properties.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor any changes made to CommCell scheduler, for example, the addition of a new schedule.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management permission with a CommCell level association

Not Applicable

Scheduler Changes


One of the following has occurred:

  • A schedule or schedule policy was added, deleted, or modified.

  • A job failed to be scheduled.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Storage Policy

Use this alert to monitor any changes made to the properties of one or more storage policies.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Storage Policy Management or Alert Management

Storage Policies

Properties Modified


The properties of a storage policy were modified, or there was an unauthorized attempt to change the properties.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

User Group

Use this alert to monitor any changes made to the properties of one or more user groups.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management

User Groups

Properties Modified


The properties of a user group were modified, or there was an unauthorized attempt to change the properties.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor any changes made to the properties of one or more users.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management

User Groups


Properties Modified


The properties of a user were modified, or there was an unauthorized attempt to change the properties.

Quota Exceeded (default: every 24 hrs)


The space consumed by the users on their edge drive has exceeded assigned quota.

Quota exceeding threshold (default: every 24 hrs)


The space consumed by the users on their edge drive has exceeded 90% of the assigned quota.

Quota validation failed (one time alert)


The space consumed by the users on their edge drive exceeds the quota assigned to them.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.
