Download Center Package Information

The Package Information Page contains the information that was entered when a package was created. This information can be edited by Download Center administrators.

Label Your Download

The Label Your Download section of the Package Information page specifies general information about the package and the location of the package and ReadMe file.

The following table describes the inputs available for this section:




The name of the package as you want it to appear in the Download Center.


(Optional) A description of the package that appears in the Overview section of the package details page.

ReadMe Location

(Optional) The path in the repository where the ReadMe file is hosted. The ReadMe Location also contains the readme file name. Only readmes in the following formats are supported: DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, HTM, HTML, and PDF.

Classify Your Download

The Classify Your Download section of the Package Information page specifies additional information used to organize the package on the Download Center page.

The following table describes the inputs available for this section:




A general group by which you can filter packages. Category filters appear on the Download Center page.


A more specific group by which you can filter packages. Sub-category filters appear on the Download Center page when a category filter is selected.


(Optional) The company or organization that created the package.


The version number of the package.


(Optional) A number that specifies the order in which packages are displayed on the Download Center page. A package with a rank of 1 is listed above a package with a rank of 2.

Software Icon

(Optional) Specify a custom icon to display next to the package name on the Download Center page.


(Optional) Not applicable. Leave the default setting of 0 when uploading a package to Download Center.


The date when the package will appear in the Download Center for users listed in the Visible to box.

Download Type and Location

The Download Type and Location section of the Package Information page specifies information about the file type, supported platforms, and location of your package.

The following table describes the inputs available for this section:




The operating system that is compatible with the package. You can define multiple operating systems for multiple file types.

Download Type

The file type of the package.


The path on the repository where the package is hosted. You can browse the repository to find the path, or if the repository is unavailable, you can enter the path manually.

For Web Server and network share repositories, you can upload packages from your local computer to the repository to add the package to download center. For more information, see Uploading to Web Server or Network Repositories.


Used to save the platform-specific download information entered in Download Type and Location. The download information appears in the package table below. You can save multiple downloads for different platforms to the same package.


Clears the information entered into the Download Type and Location section.

Share Your Download

The Share Your Download section of the Package Information page specifies the following:

  • Which users and user groups can view and download the package.

  • When the package is available for end-users to download.

The following table describes the inputs available for this section:



Visible to

(Optional) The CommCell users and CommCell user groups that can view and download the package after the date in the From box. If nothing is entered, only the Download Center administrator will be able to view the package.

Tip: To make a package visible to all Download Center users, create a CommCell group named Everyone (see User Administration and Security - Getting Started), and then add the Everyone group to the Visible To list.

Not visible to

(Optional) The CommCell users and CommCell user groups that cannot view the package. The Not visible to box supersedes the Visible to box.

For example, if a user is listed in both the Visible to and Not visible to boxes, then the user will not be able to view the package in the Download Center.

Early preview users

(Optional) Users who are permitted to view and download the package as soon as it is added to Download Center, even if the package will be available to other users on a future date .

Early Preview Users can view packages, even if they are also included in the Not visible to box.
