Edit Report Input Dialog Box for Build Your Own Reports

Use this dialog box to define the user interface elements that allow report users to filter data. Not all options are available for all input control types or values.

Input Variable

Allows you to specify the field name of the parameter that represents this input in the report query.

Display Name

Allows you to specify the label that the user will see for this input in the report.

Input Variable Type

Allows you to specify the data type for the input. Options include Boolean, Date, DateRange, Decimal, Integer, String, and Time.

Input Control Type

Allows you to specify the type of user interface element that report users will see. For more information about each option, see Input Control Types.

Allow MultiSelection

When selected, allows the report user to select more than one option at a time. This option is not available for all input control types.


When selected, this option requires the report user to make a selection or otherwise interact with the input to display data in the report.

Default Value

Allows you to specify the default value that users see for the input.


Allows you to specify whether the input is fixed or dynamic. Manual values are fixed, can be manually entered, and do not require an associated data set for the input. You can use manual values for input choices like job status. Dataset values are dynamic, contain values that can vary, and require an associated data set for the input. You can use dataset values for input choices that might vary per CommCell environment, such as client names.

Possible Labels

Appears when you select the Manual value type. Allows you to enter a set of labels for the items that will appear in the list of items that users can select. Separate each item label with a comma.

Possible Values

Appears when you select the Manual value type. Allows you to enter a set of values that correspond to the labels you entered in Possible Labels. Separate each item label with a comma.


Appears when you select the DataSet value type. Allows you to specify the dataset that determines your choices for the value field and label field.

Value Field

Appears when you select the DataSet value type. Allows you to select the field that supplies the values users can select for the input. The values in this field are the choices users will see in the report.

Label Field

Appears when you select the DataSet value type. Allows you to select the field name that will be assigned to the parameter you will create when you associate the data set with the report input in the data set query.

Date Range Options

Appears when you select the DateRange input control type. Allows you to configure the type of date range controls the user will see in the report. You must select both a choice from the Options section and the Allowed Units section.

Last N

When selected, this option must be combined with one or more Allowed Units to display a phrase with two drop-down lists, one with number choices, and another with time unit choices. For example, the user would be able to configure Last 7 Days by selecting 7 and Days from each list.

Next N

When selected, this option must be combined with one or more Allowed Units to display an input phrase in the report that includes two drop-down lists, one with number choices, and another with time unit choices. The Next N option is commonly used for reports that show trends over time, or contain information about schedules that are set to run in the future. For example, the user would be able to configure Next 7 Days by selecting 7 and Days from each list.

Custom Range

When selected, this option allows the user to enter a Start Date and an End Date from a calendar to filter the report data.

Include Time Selection

Allows the user to select a specific time from a list to filter the report data.

Allowed Units

Selecting a time unit displays it as a choice in the list for the Last N and Next N options.
