Getting Started with SAP HANA Multitenant Database Containers

Review each of the topics to get started with SAP HANA Multitenant Database Containers.

Step 1: Obtain Your User Credentials and Database Protection Information

Obtain the following information from your backup administrator:

  • The Command Center URL

  • Your Command Center user credentials

If Command Center is not set up in your CommCell environment, contact your backup administrator to deploy Command Center. For more information, see Setting Up the Command Center.

Step 2: Log On to the Command Center

Access the Command Center by using the URL that was displayed on the installation completion page, or that you received from your backup administrator.

Step 3: Add the Physical Servers

Install the SAP HANA agent on the physical hosts. For more information, see Adding a New Server.


For SAP HANA, when you add a new server, select Unix and Linux as the OS Type and the SAP HANA package.

Step 4: Complete the Database Application Setup Wizard

Configure the Database application by completing the DB Instances Setup Wizard.

Step 5: Perform Your First Backup and Restore

You first online full backup is automatically scheduled based on the assigned plan.

After the backup operation is complete, perform a restore. For more information, review the following links:
