Microsoft SQL Server

You can use the SQL Server solution to perform backup and restore operations on Microsoft SQL server databases.

To get started, deploy the Commvault SQL Server Agent, and then configure SQL instances.

When you add a SQL Server, you associate a server plan with the server. The Commvault software automatically performs the backup operations by using the schedule and backup operation types that are associated with the plan.

Supported Backup Types

The Commvault SQL Server Agent supports the following backup types from the Command Center:

  • Traditional full, differential, and transaction logs

    Backups for any client start with a full backup. A full database backup backs up the entire database. A differential backup contains only the data that is new or has changed since the last full backup. A transaction log backup operation backs up the transaction logs that contain records of all the committed and uncommitted transactions.

  • IntelliSnap and IntelliSnap backup copy

    IntelliSnap backups operations take a snapshot of the database, using hardware array capabilities. You can then archive these snapshots to a secondary storage without the need for traditional backups.

  • Block-level backups

    Block-level backups integrate snapshot technology with efficient block storage mechanisms to speed up backups.

Supported Restore Types

You can perform any of the following restore operations:

  • In-place restore

    When you restore a database in place, you restore it to the same path on the same client from which the database was backed up.

    The restore operation will overwrite the source data on the database.

  • Out-of-place restore

    When you restore a database out of place, you can restore it to any one of the following destinations:

    • A different client from which the database was backed up

    • A different instance from which the database was backed up

    • A different database name

  • Restore to Disk

    You can restore SQL Server data directly to a disk from the Command Center.

    This restored data on the disk can be used later to perform database restore using SQL Management studio or any other third party tools.

Instant Clones

You can use the cloning feature to create a copy of the database using a full IntelliSnap backup, Application-Aware backup, or a block-level backup for a test environment. The system automatically shuts down the clone database and frees up all resources when the reservation period expires.
