Monitoring Commvault Using the Commvault NOW Mobile App

Commvault NOW provides quick access to your CommCell so that you can view, manage, and monitor backup jobs on your smart device.

Operations You Can Perform

You can perform the following operations on Commvault NOW app.

View Job Activity Reports

This application provides the following reports on backup job activities:

  • Live Job Statistics - Displays all jobs classified by their status.

  • Success Fail Report - Displays all the jobs that succeeded or failed during a specified time range.

  • Job Load Report - Displays the number of jobs running, waiting and pending during a specified time range.

  • Client Locations - This map shows the locations of the CommCell clients. (iPad only)

View Additional Job Information

This application also provides the following information:

  • Top Reasons for Delay (for pending and waiting jobs)

  • Top Reasons for Failure

  • Events (minor, major and critical)

View Job Details

You can view the details of a job, such as job progress and attempts.

Perform Control Actions

You can kill, suspend or resume a backup job.

Who Can Use This App

Commvault NOW can be used by CommCell users with sufficient capabilities to view and manage jobs associated with their CommCell entities.

This application is recommended for CommCell administrators, as these users have administrative privileges to manage all CommCell jobs.

Application Requirements

This application requires the Web Server and Web Console software to be installed on a computer that can connect to the CommServe. By default, these components are installed along with the CommServe. If these components are not installed, see Installing the Web Console for the installation steps.

Supported Devices

The following devices are supported:

  • iPhone or iPad with iOS 7 or above

  • Android phone with version 4 or above

View Application Demo

To preview the application, open the app from your smart device and provide the following CommCell credentials:

Username: edgedemo

Password: edgedemo

