Performing Out-of-Place Restores to Cloud Storage Using the Windows File System Agent

You can use the Windows File System Agent to restore protected data from Windows or Mac computers to the following cloud storage services:

  • Amazon S3

  • Azure BLOB storage

  • OneDrive

  • GCP buckets


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Administration > Servers.

    The Servers page appears.

  2. In the Actions column for the client computer that contains the data that you want to restore, click the action button action_button, and then click Restore.

    The Restore page appears.

  3. Choose the content that you want to restore:

    • To restore the contents of the entire backup set, select the check box next to Name.

      To restore the contents of a subclient, select the appropriate subclient. You can select multiple subclients at the same time.

  4. Click Select content.

    The Backup content page appears.

  5. To restore specific files, expand the folder, and then select the files.

  6. Click Restore.

    The Restore options dialog box appears.

  7. From the Destination client list, select the cloud storage client that you configured.

  8. To restore to a new location, clear the Restore to original folder check box, and then in the Destination Path box, type the full path to the destination folder.


    Irrespective of the restore options you choose, any existing data on the destination client is overwritten during the restore operation.

  9. Click Submit.
