Replication Monitor

The Replication Monitor table contains information about the status of replication groups, replication clients, and replication jobs.

The following table describes the information that the Replication Monitor table contains.




The virtual machine where the replication job ran.


The destination computer for the replication job.

Last sync time

The date and time that the snapshot was taken during the most recent backup of the source VM.

The time is shown in the time zone of the backup server.

Replication group

The name of the group that you created for the replication.

Sync status

The status of the replication job.

This column can display any of the following sync statuses:

  • Sync Enabled: Replication is enabled.

  • Needs Sync: The most recent backup changes are not yet replicated to the destination VM.

  • Sync in Progress: A replication job to the destination VM is in progress.

  • Sync Paused: The replication job was suspended from the Job Controller.

  • In Sync: The destination VM contains all the changes from the source VM since the most recent backup, which is identified by the value in the Last sync time column.

  • Failed to Sync: The most recent attempt to replicate changes failed, and replication is disabled.

  • Sync Disabled: Replication is disabled for the virtual machine that is displayed in the Replication Monitor.

  • Validation Failed: The destination virtual machine could not be turned on after the most recent replication, and then reverted to its most recent valid (bootable) state.


Depending on the agent selected, a few of the statuses might not appear in the Sync status column.

Failover status

The status of failover jobs or failback jobs.

Click a value in this column to view additional information about the status value.

This column can display any of the following failover or failback statuses:

  • Failover Complete: A failover job to a secondary site completed successfully.

  • Failover In Progress: A failover job to a secondary site is running.

  • Failover Paused: A failover job is suspended.

  • Failover Failed: A failover job failed.

  • Failback Complete: A failback job to the primary site completed successfully.

  • Failback In Progress: A failback job is running.

  • Failback Failed: A failback job failed.

  • Revert Failover Complete: A revert failover job completed successfully.

  • Revert Failover In Progress: A revert failover job is running.

  • Revert Failover Failed: A revert failover job failed.


You cannot see the status of failover jobs or failback jobs for Oracle agent.

RPO status

An indication of whether the recovery point objective (RPO) was met, based on the backup frequency that is configured for the replication job.


Actions: Click the Actions action_button icon to select an action.

You can select one or more VMs, and then choose one of the following options:

  • Enable: Enable replication for the selected VMs.

    When replication is disabled and then re-enabled, the next scheduled replication performs a full replication job on the destination VM.

  • Disable: Disable replication for the selected VMs.

  • Delete: Delete the replication pair. Also provides the option to delete the destination VM.

  • Failover: Switch from the primary site to a secondary site.

  • Failback: Switch back to the primary site after a failover.

  • Replication: Replicate the entire VM from the most recent full or synthetic full backup and any subsequent incremental backups.

    This option is available only for a single VM and is not available if the Sync status for the VM is Sync Disabled, Failed to Sync, Sync in Progress, or Sync Paused. When a VM is marked for full replication, the status changes to Needs Sync.

  • Test boot VM: Validate replicated VMs by turning on the VMs. This option appears only for VMware destination sites.
