Restoring an Oracle RAC Database to Its Current Location (In Place)

You can restore Oracle RAC data to the same database on the same client from which the database was backed up.

Data Available to Restore

You can restore any of the following data:

  • The database and control file

  • The database

  • The control file

  • Individual tablespaces and the control file

  • Individual tablespaces

Before You Begin

Set the database to the correct mode defined in the table.

Control file in the restore

Required database mode

Control file is included in the restore


Control file not included in the restore



  1. From the navigation pane, go to Solutions > Databases > DB Instances.

    The Instances page appears.

  2. Click the instance.

    The instance page appears.

  3. On the Overview tab, in the Recovery points section, select the backup to restore, and then click Restore.

    The Backup content page appears.

  4. Select the data that you want to restore, and then click Restore.

    The Restore options dialog box appears.

  5. Select the In place tab.

  6. To specify an alternate directory to restore the database or individual table spaces into, do the following:

    1. Click Redirect.

      The Redirect path options dialog box appears.

    2. To redirect the database, click Database, and then enter the full path for the new location of the database.

    3. To redirect individual tablespaces and datafiles, click Tablespaces and datafiles. For each tablespace that you want to redirect:

      1. Expand the tablespace.

      2. In the Datafiles box, change the path to the new location.

    4. To redirect the online redo logs, move the Online redo logs toggle key to the right, and then enter the full path for the new location.

    5. Click Save.

  7. Select the data that you want to restore:

    • To restore the database or individual tablespaces, select the Database check box and clear the Control file check box.

    • To restore the control file, clear the Database check box and select the Control file check box.

    • To restore the SP file, clear the Database check box and select the SP File check box.

    • To restore the log files, clear the Database check box.

  8. Select the database Recover to option. These options control how the archive files are applied to the data files.

    • To recover to the latest backup job completion time, select Most recent backup.

    • To recover the database to the current time, select Current Time.

    • To recover to a point-in-time, select Point in Time, and then enter the date and time.

    • To recover to a System Change Number, select SCN, and then enter the SCN.

      The System Change Number (SCN) tracks the timing of transactions in the Oracle database. The SCNs are stored in the control files and the datafile headers. You can recover the database to the last existing SCN number in the control file, which is the last consistent database state.

  9. You can change the use of streams for the restore, under Number of streams:

    • To change the number of streams, click the stream row, click Edit, and then change the number.

    • To change the order of the streams, click the stream row you want to move up, and then click Move up.

  10. Click Submit.
