Adding a VM Group for Red Hat OpenShift


Add a VM group to identify a specific set of applications to back up or restore.

Before You Begin

  • Define a server plan that specifies the storage, retention, and backup schedule to be used for the VM group.

  • To select applications based on views or automatic discovery rules, see "Views and Rule Options" (below).


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click the hypervisor.

    The hypervisor page appears.

  3. Click Add VM group.

    The Add VM group dialog box appears.

  4. Provide the following information:

    • Hypervisor: Select the hypervisor.

    • Name: Type a descriptive name for the VM group.

    • Applications: Expand the tree below this field to select the content for the VM group. Click Select all to quickly select all objects or Clear all to remove all current selections.

      You can select a view from the grouping list to control the browse display.

    • You can also define rules to discover applications automatically:

      1. Click Add rule.

      2. From the Select rule for list, choose a rule type.

      3. From the Which matches with list, select Equals, Contains, Starts with, or Ends with.

      4. In the Name box, provide a value as required for the type of rule.

      5. Click OK.

    • Under Backup configuration, choose one of the following options:

      • Enable the Use backup plan option to associate a plan with the hypervisor.

        From the Plan list, select a plan that specifies the storage, retention, and backup schedule to be used for the VM group.

      • Disable the Use backup plan option to specify a storage policy and schedule policy that were defined using CommCell Console.

        From the Storage policy list, you can select a storage policy that was previously defined in CommCell Console or a plan that was defined in Command Center.

        Optional: You can select a schedule policy that was previously defined using CommCell Console.

  5. Click Save to save the VM group.

VM groups are created with default settings for backup options. To change default settings, see Editing VM Group Settings for Red Hat OpenShift.

Views and Rule Options

When you define content or filters for a VM group, you can change the view and select specific entities, or define rules to automatically select applications that meet specific criteria.


Commvault only backs up applications that have persistent volume claims (PVCs).


When you browse to select applications for VM group content or filters, you can select a browse method for the Browse and select VMs list, and then expand the tree below the list to select the content for the VM group, or to clear previous selections.

You can select one of the following options from the list to control the browse display:

  • Projects: Select a project to include all applications for the project, or expand a project to select applications.

  • Applications: Select an application.


You can define rules to discover applications automatically.

When you add a rule, from the Select rule for list, choose one of the following rules and then, from the Which matches with list, select Equals, Contains, Starts with, or Ends with:

  • Application name/pattern: In the Name box, type the display name of the application or a pattern using wildcards (for example, Test* to identify applications for which the application name begins with "Test").