Archiving Analytics Data in Log Monitoring

You can archive analytics data by using a Commvault OnePass subclient. Archived data can be recalled, re-indexed, and searched in the Log Monitoring application in the Web Console.

Note: You can perform archiving of the data and set the data aging rules for the OnePass subclient based on your requirement.

About This Task

You must have a OnePass subclient on the Index Store client associated to the Index Server configured for log monitoring. In the following procedure you are given the option to use an existing OnePass subclient or to create a new OnePass subclient.


  1. Open a monitoring policy, or create a new monitoring policy.

  2. To backup and archive the data, select the Enable Archive check box, and use an existing OnePass subclient or create a new OnePass subclient:

    • To use an existing subclient, in the Select OnePass subclient list, choose a subclient.

    • To create a new subclient, in the Select OnePass subclient list, click Create New, choose a storage policy, and enter a location for the archive files.

      The OnePass subclient is created in the default backup set on the Index Store client associated to the Index Server configured for log monitoring. The name of the OnePass subclient is in the following format: monitoringPolicyName_timestamp.

  3. If you opened a monitoring policy, click Finish, or if you created a new monitoring policy, click Next.


  • In the OnePass subclient directory, the following files are created:

    • docList.xml file: Stores the data. When the size of the docList.xml file reaches 15 MB, a new docList.xml file is created and the old file is renamed to include a timestamp.

    • numberOfDocs.txt file: Tracks the number of documents in the docList.xml file.

  • In the Log Monitoring application, if a user searches with a date range that includes archived data, the Re-Index Data dialog box appears. After the archived data is re-indexed, the user can search it. To view the jobs triggered for re-indexing, at the top of the page, click Manage, and then click Re-Index jobs.

Archive Agents
