Configuring Cassandra Nodes

After you create a client for the Cassandra cluster, you can either run a discover operation explicitly or the first backup runs the discover operation (auto discovery of the nodes) and configures the following node properties:

  • The Cassandra data directory

  • The Java path directory

  • The location of the configuration file (cassandra.yaml)

If you need to replace a dead node in Cassandra cluster, add a placeholder node, and then perform the replacement restore operation.

If you have replaced a dead node or added a new node to the cluster, the next immediate backup will auto discover and update the node information.

Before You Begin

To auto discover the node properties, create the sCassandraiConfigFilePath additional setting.










path to the configuration file


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click Client Computers > Client> Big Data Apps.

  2. Right-click the instance, and then click Properties.

    The Instance Properties dialog box appears.

  3. On the Details tab, click Discover.

    The software discovers the Cassandra nodes that are part of the cluster, and then displays the following node details:

    • The client computer name

    • The Cassandra node name

    • The data center that the Cassandra node belongs to

    • The Cassandra node IP address

  4. Configure the nodes.

  5. Option


    Configure a single node


    Use this option when you add a new Cassandra node.

    1. Right-click on the node, and then click Configure.

      Note: If you replaced a dead node, then select the new node.

      The Configure dialog box appears.

      In the Client Name box, select the client.

    2. In the Java Path box, type the full path to the Cassandra gateway node Java installation path, for example, /opt/java/jreXX.xx/bin.

    3. In the Cassandra Configuration File Path, type the full path to the location of the configuration file (cassandra.yaml) or (scylla.yaml).

      You do not need to enter the file, just the path to the file, for example, /etc/cassandra/conf or /etc/scylla.

    4. In the Data Directory, type the full path to the location where the data is stored, for example, /var/lib/cassandra/data or /var/lib/scylla/data.


      When you specify the Java path, and the data directory, do not end the path with the "/".

      If you have multiple data paths, specify the paths and separate them by a semi-colon (;). For example, /var/lib/cassandra/data;/home/cassandra_data.

    5. Click OK.

    Configure all nodes

    1. Click Configure All.

      The Configure dialog box appears.

    2. In the Java Path box, type the full path to the Java installation path, for example, /opt/java/jreXX.xx/bin.

    3. In the Cassandra Configuration File Path, type the full path to the location of the configuration file (cassandra.yaml) or (scylla.yaml).

      You do not need to enter the file, just the path to the file, for example, /etc/cassandra/conf or /etc/scylla.

    4. In the Data Directory, type the full path to the location where the data is stored, for example, /var/lib/cassandra/data or /var/lib/scylla/data.


      When you specify the Java path, and the data directory, do not end the path with the "/".

      If you have multiple data paths, specify the paths and separate them by a semi-colon (;). For example, /var/lib/cassandra/data;/home/cassandra_data.

    5. Click OK.

    Add a placeholder node

    A placeholder node is the new node that replaces a dead node in the Cassandra cluster.

    1. Click Add Placeholder Node.

      The Configure dialog box appears.

    2. In the Client Name box, select the client.

    3. In the Java Path box, type the full path to the Java installation path, for example, /opt/java/jreXX.xx/bin.

    4. In the Cassandra Configuration File Path, type the full path to the location of the configuration file (cassandra.yaml) or (scylla.yaml).

      You do not need to enter the file, just the path to the file, for example, /etc/cassandra/conf or /etc/scylla.

    5. In the Data Directory, type the full path to the location where the data is stored, for example, /var/lib/cassandra/data or /var/lib/scylla/data.


      When you specify the Java path, and the data directory, do not end the path with the "/".

      If you have multiple data paths, specify the paths and separate them by a semi-colon (;). For example, /var/lib/cassandra/data;/home/cassandra_data.

    6. Click OK.

  6. Click OK.
