Configuring DB2 and DB2 MultiNode for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

You can have the CommCell Console authenticate third party database backup and restore jobs to ensure that the user has the correct credentials and has included a valid token file in the job request.


  1. Enable CommCell Console Authentication of Third Party Command Line Jobs.


    When you enable this additional setting for jobs that run on a DB2 database, you must enable this setting on the client, instance and database so that the backup and restore jobs that run from the CommCell Console can retrieve the logs.

  2. From the command line, go to software_installation_directory/Base and run the qlogin command with the token file option (-f) to obtain a token file.

  3. Create a token parameter text file that specifies the location of the token file that the qlogin command created.

    To see the token file contents, on the command line, type the following command, substituting token_parameter_file with the token parameter text file name.

    cat token_parameter_file [CvQcmdTokenFile] token_file_location


    cat thirdpartytoken.txt 
  4. Set the file permissions on the token file that the qlogin command created so that application users can read the file.


    If the token file name is tokenfile, on the command line type the following:

    chmod 740 /var/tokenfile
  5. Add the token parameter file to the DB2 instance registry on the client. Edit the file and add the following entry:


    The instance name is the DB2 instance name and not the Commvault instance name. The instance name must be in lower case and the database name must be in upper case.

    sDB2MEDIAPARAMS_<db2_instance_name>_<DATABASE_NAME> <parameter_file_location>


    sDB2MEDIAPARAMS_inst101_AUTODB /var/thirdpartytoken.txt
  6. Use the CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1 parameter in the DB2 command line VENDOROPT database configuration parameter.


    db2 update db cfg for <database name> using VENDOROPT "'CvClientName=<client_name_on_CommCell>,CvInstanceName=Instance00<n>,CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1'"
  7. Use the CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1 parameter in the DB2 log command line LOGARCHOPT1 database configuration parameter.


    db2 update db cfg for <database name> using LOGARCHOPT1 "'CvClientName=<client_name_on_CommCell>,CvInstanceName=Instance00<n>,CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1'"
