Configuring Network Bonding For Storage Pool Network

Network bonding can be configured for Storage Pool network, when DHCP is not available or enabled.

Before You Begin

Obtain the following IP addresses before you start:


IP Address

Bonded private (storage pool network) IP address

Storage Pool Netmask


  1. Login to a node using the following default credentials:

    Login: root

    Password: cvadmin


    This password can be changed during setup.

  2. Navigate to the following folder:

  3. Execute the with appropriate parameters to setup the bonding.

  4. Restart the network service to create the bonding with the appropriate parameters using the following command:

    systemctl restart network

Repeat these steps in the other nodes.


Configuring Active-Backup Bonding on Storage Pool Network

Use the following options to set mode 1 (active-backup bonding) for Storage Pool network:

./ -c -m active-backup -t sp -i <Bonded IP for private storage pool network> -n <Storage Pool Netmask IP>

For example:

./ -c -m active-backup -t sp -i -n

The following output will be displayed:

Arguments entered: {'nwtype': 'sp', 'configure': True, 'ip': '', 'netmask': '', 'mode': 'active-backup', 'dns': None, 'validate': False, 'gateway': None}
Creating network config files for Storage pool network..
Processing file: /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/ifcfg-scripts/lacp/ifcfg-eno4...
Processing file: /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/ifcfg-scripts/lacp/ifcfg-enp134s0f1...
Processing file: /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/ifcfg-scripts/lacp/ifcfg-bond2...
All network config files created successfully..

Configuring LACP Bonding on Storage Pool Network

Use the following options to set mode 4 (LACP bonding) for Storage Pool network:

./ -c -m 802.3ad -t sp -i <Bonded IP for private storage pool network> -n <Storage Pool Netmask IP>

For example:

./ -c -m 802.3ad -t sp -i -n

The following output will be displayed:

Arguments entered: {'nwtype': 'sp', 'configure': True, 'ip': '', 'netmask': '', 'mode': '802.3ad', 'dns': None, 'validate': False, 'gateway': None}
Creating network config files for Storage pool network..
Processing file: /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/ifcfg-scripts/lacp/ifcfg-eno4...
Processing file: /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/ifcfg-scripts/lacp/ifcfg-enp134s0f1...
Processing file: /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/ifcfg-scripts/lacp/ifcfg-bond2...
All network config files created successfully..

Help to Run the Bonding modes

Use the following command to display help:

./ -h

The following output will be displayed:

usage: [-h] [-c] [-m {802.3ad,active-backup}] [-t {dp,sp}]
                       [-i IP] [-f IFACE IFACE] [-n NETMASK] [-g GATEWAY]
                       [-d DNS [DNS ...]] [-v VLANID] [-nr] [-s] [-r]
Tool to augment and validate network settings for HyperScale
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
Configure Network:
  -c, --configure       Option to configure network
  -m {802.3ad,active-backup}, --mode {802.3ad,active-backup}
                        Mode of bonding. Defaults to 802.3ad
  -t {dp,sp}, --nwtype {dp,sp}
                        Type of network. Defaults to Data Protection
  -i IP, --ip IP        IP address of the interface
                        Interfaces to use for configuring the bond
  -n NETMASK, --netmask NETMASK
                        Netmask IP of the interface
  -g GATEWAY, --gateway GATEWAY
                        Gateway IP for the interface to connect to
  -d DNS [DNS ...], --dns DNS [DNS ...]
                        DNS IPs for the interface to configure with
  -v VLANID, --vlanid VLANID
                        Tagged VLAN ID in case where IP needs to be assigned
                        to tagged VLAN
  -nr, --nonroutable    Data Protection network on a flat network. This will
                        not mandate a gateway to be provided
  -s, --suppress        Suppress link validation while configuring the
Restore network files:
  -r, --restore         Restore network files from the inital boot time


  • Multiple DNS servers can be provided for the -d option, using space as the delimiter.

  • The -nr option can be used to setup an IP address to a network interface that is not routable through a gateway network.
