Content Indexing Exchange Data

Note: For Exchange data, this method of content indexing applies to the classic agents only. If you use the Exchange Mailbox Agent, see Content Indexing Messages Using the Exchange Mailbox Agent.

Follow the steps below to enable content indexing and restores of Exchange data. These steps are also required before you can restore Exchange data using Compliance Search.

Before You Begin

The following components need to be installed in your environment before Exchange data can be content indexed.


Required Software


For installation instructions, refer to MediaAgent Installation.

64-bit Microsoft Outlook version 2010 or later.

(Not required if you use the Exchange Mailbox Agent

Web Server or Index Gateway

For installation instructions, refer to Installing the Web Server.

64-bit Microsoft Outlook version 2010 or later.

(Not required if you use the Exchange Mailbox Agent

Web Console

For installation instructions, refer to Installing the Web Console.

No additional software is needed for restoring Exchange data.

Search Engine

For installation and configuration instructions, refer to Installing the Search Engine and Configuration - Search Engine.

No additional software is needed for restoring Exchange data.

Compliance Search

For installation instructions, refer to Installing Compliance Search.

No additional software is needed for restoring Exchange data.


Use the following steps to add the Active Directory with the CommServe.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Security.

  2. Right-click Domains > Add new domain and click Active Directory.

  3. Enter the domain name in NetBIOS Name box, for example, mydomain.

    Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), for example, in the Domain Name text box.

  4. Click Edit to enter the user account information of the domain:

    • Type the user name in the User Name box.

    • Type the password in the Password box and re-type it in the Confirm Password box.

    • Click OK.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Restart IIS services on the Web Server Computer.

After the above procedures are complete, you can content index and restore Exchange data.
