ContentStore Commands

You can use the ContentStore Commands to configure ContentStore Email Viewer clients remotely from the Search Admin page.

The following table contains the list of available configurations and parameters:

Command Name


Required Parameters

Start Sync

Start syncing emails with the server.


Stop Sync

Pause syncing emails with the server.


Delete from Cache

Delete emails from the local cache that match the query string. Future emails that match the query will not be synced with the local cache.

If the client is in online mode, the command will be executed the next the client is switched to offline mode.

Provide a query for deleting emails. See the email query options in Advanced Search - Custom Query.

Recreate Cache

Data in the local cache will be deleted and emails will be resynced from the server.

If the client is in online mode, the command will be executed the next the client is switched to offline mode.


Set Config

Configure the advanced settings for ContentStore Email Viewer.

  • Use Local Cache Mode:

    Set to True to configure ContentStore Email Viewer in offline (local cache) mode, or False to configure ContentStore Email Viewer in online mode.


    Online mode is only supported for Citrix environments.

  • Show Only Archived Emails

    Set to True to only show only archived emails in the ContentStore node. Archived emails are emails that have been stubbed and not deleted when placed in ContentStore.

  • Show Emails from Delegate Mailbox

    Set to True to show messages from delegated mailboxes and folders in the ContentStore node.

    Delegated mailboxes appear as folders in the ContentStore Email Viewer node. Any folders delegated to the user from a delegated mailbox will appear under the appropriate delegate mailbox folder.


    In order for delegated mailbox data to appear in the user's ContentStore Email Viewer, both the user mailbox data and the delegated mailbox data must be content indexed by the same Search Engine cloud.

  • Synchronize Interval

    Enter the number of minutes to check for new messages to sync from the server.

  • View as Conversations

    Set to True to enable arranging messages as conversations in ContentStore Email Viewer.

  • Interval to Poll for Commands

    If real-time communication with the ContentStore Email Viewer client is not enabled, enter the number of minutes for the client to check for and execute ContentStore configuration commands.

  • Log Level for Real Time Debugging

    Enter the level of detail to display in the logs (1 - less detail, to 4 - most detail) for real-time debugging.

  • Display Notifications

    Set to True to enable tray notifications on the client for ContentStore Email Viewer.

  • Log Level

    Enter the level of detail (1 - less detail, to 4 - most detail) to display in the CVProvider log.

  • Display Default Folders in Language

    Select the display language of the Microsoft Outlook default folders (such as Inbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items) as configured on the client.

  • Max Offline Folders Count

    Enter the maximum number of folders (1 to 10000) to show in ContentStore Email Viewer when configured in offline (local cache) mode.

  • Mails to Retain in Cache

    Select the date range of emails to display in ContentStore Email Viewer.

  • Stop Sync When Free Space Reaches

    Enter the maximum percentage of total disk space on the client (from 1 to 50 percent), that can be used for the local cache when ContentStore Email Viewer is configured in offline mode.

  • Cache Directory

    Enter the full path on the client where data for the local cache will be stored. This configuration is available when ContentStore Email Viewer is configured in offline (local cache) mode.


  • You must enter an absolute path for the cache directory location. Relative paths are not supported.

  • You can enter a mapped drive as the cache directory, but direct UNC paths are not supported.

  • Max Number of Items in Each Folder

    Enter the maximum number of items to display in each folder of ContentStore Email Viewer (from 50 to 10000).

  • Max Number of Search Results

    Enter the maximum number of items to return as search results when performing searches of emails in ContentStore Email Viewer (from 50 to 500).

  • Default Search Language

    Enter the default language to use when searching emails from ContentStore Email Viewer.

  • Max Memory for Local Cache Process (in %)

    Enter the maximum percent of the total memory that can be used by the ContentStore Email Viewer process to build the local cache (from 5 to 90).

  • Type of Preview in Offline Mode

    Select how you would like previews to be generated when ContentStore Email Viewer is configured in offline mode. Possible values are:

    • Local: Always obtain preview from the local cache.

    • Remote: Attempt to obtain previews from the local cache. If a preview is not available, then create the preview on demand from the Web Server.

    • OnDemandRemote: Always obtain preview from the Web Server.

  • Preview Cache Ratio

    Enter the default language to use when searching emails from ContentStore Email Viewer.

Install Updates

Push updates of the Outlook Add-In with ContentStore Email Viewer software to clients.

  • Use MSI: when selected, select separate 32-bit and 64-bit MSI files to update Outlook Add-In with ContentStore Email Viewer. You must enter the UNC path or URL to each appropriate MSI file in the 64 bit MSI path and 32 bit MSI path boxes.

  • Use CVInstaller: Use the CVInstaller executable to update clients. You must enter a UNC path or URL to the files in the Location of CVInstaller box.

  • Forcefully Upgrade the Addin: select to automatically upgrade the Outlook Add-In software on the client. If not selected, the user will be prompted to install updates and must confirm before the update can be installed.

Send Logs

Creates a ZIP file of the ContentStore Email Viewer logs for all selected clients and uploads it to the client where Proxy Server for ContentStore is configured at Proxy Service install location/Log Files/


Allow Config

Allow or deny users the ability to change their ContentStore Email Viewer advanced settings.

Select True to allow users to edit configurations, or False to block users from editing configurations.

Refresh Quota

Query the quote information in the server to refresh the ContentStore Banner page.



Change the name displayed in Outlook. The default value is ContentStore.

Provide a user-defined name, for example, "Archived Emails".
