Creating a Google Cloud Platform Service Account

To back up and restore Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instances, you must create a GCP service account, and copy the private key file to each access node.

Before You Begin

  • To back up and restore Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instances, your GCP service account must have one of the following roles assigned:

  • To back up instances from multiple projects, your GCP service account must have access rights to all of the projects (including the projects where VSA access nodes exist).

  • You must enable the Cloud Resource Manager API. If you do not enable the API, all backup jobs will fail (including backup jobs for clients that were created in a previous release).


  1. Create a GCP service account through the GCP Console.

  2. Assign the roles through the GCP Console.

  3. (Optional) If you plan to edit the configuration to use a P12 private key file for service account authentication, complete the following:

    1. Record the P12 private key file name and the P12 key password.

    2. Copy the P12 private key file to the <Commvault base folder>/certificates/external directory on each access node. If the <Commvault base folder>/certificates/external directory does not already exist, create the directory.

What to Do Next

Create a hypervisor to manage backup and restore operations for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.
