Creating a MiFID Monitoring Policy Template

To create a MiFID log monitoring policy template, first, you create a primary template that is either a user-defined template or a delimited template. Then, you create a discovered template that is based on the primary template.

For more information about the types of log monitoring policy templates (user-defined, delimited, and discovered), see the “Determine the method for defining the template columns” section in Planning for Your Monitoring Policy Template.

Before You Begin

  • When you create both the primary template and the discovered template, you select the Mifid template check box in the Create Template wizard. To display that check box in the wizard, you must enable the Analytics tab for subclients.

    For instructions, see Enabling the Analytics Tab for Subclients.

  • Collect the information that you need for the template.

    For more information, see Planning for Your Monitoring Policy Template.


For this procedure, you use the Create Template wizard to create two templates. For more information about the options in the wizard, see Monitoring Policy Templates Online Help.

  1. Create a primary log monitoring policy template.

    On the Please select template type page, select either User defined or Delimited.

  2. Create a discovered log monitoring policy template.

    • On the Please select template type page, select Discovered.

    • On the General Information page, select the Mifid template check box.

    • On the Define Schema page, from Please select the primary template, select the primary template that you created in Step 1.

Configuring a Monitoring Policy for MiFID Logs
