Configuring a Monitoring Policy for MiFID Logs

To monitor the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) logs in your environment, you can configure a MiFID log monitoring policy.

Process for Monitoring MiFID Logs

Configuring a monitoring policy for MiFID logs is only part of the process that you must follow to begin monitoring MiFID logs. The complete process is as follows:

  1. Set up the Log Monitoring application.

    For instructions, see Setting Up the Log Monitoring Application.

  2. Configure search engine on the MediaAgent computer.

    For instructions, see Installing the Search Engine.

  3. Enable the Analytics tab for subclients.

  4. Create a template for MiFID log monitoring policies.

    For instructions, see Creating an MiFID Monitoring Policy Template.

  5. Collect the information that you need to create a MiFID log monitoring policy.

    For instructions, see Planning for Your Monitoring Policy.

  6. Create a MiFID log monitoring policy.

  7. Associate the Windows File System Agent subclient or the UNIX File System Agent subclient that contains the MiFID logs with the MiFID log monitoring policy.

  8. Back up the MiFID logs subclient.

    For instructions to back up a Windows File System agent subclient, see Backing Up the Windows File System Subclients.

    For instructions to back up a UNIX File System Agent subclient, see Backup - Linux File System.

  9. To collect the MiFID logs and store the logs in the Index Server, run content indexing for the storage policy that is assigned to the MiFID logs subclient.

    After the content indexing job completes, the MiFID log information moves to the analytics engine automatically. You do not see the log monitoring job running in the Job Controller.

    For instructions, see Running First Job - Content Indexing.

  10. Use the Log Monitoring application to analyze the MiFID logs.

    For more information, see Monitoring Logs with the Log Monitoring Application.
