Customizing the Search Results Display in the Log Monitoring Application

After performing a search operation, you can customize the way search results are displayed. For example, you might want to hide the TimeLine chart if you are only interested on the Event Log table.

The following table lists the operations to customize your search results from the Search page.



Change the scale (linear or log) of the TimeLine chart

You can view the information of the TimeLine chart represented on a linear scale or a logarithmic scale. Above the chart, click Linear Scale or Log Scale.

Change the type of Chart

For instructions, see Changing the Chart Type in the Log Monitoring Application.

Hide or show the TimeLine chart

To hide or show the TimeLine chart, below the search bar, click Hide TimeLine or Show TimeLine.

Hide or show search history

To hide or show the Recent Search, Saved Search, and Shared Search tables, below the search bar, click Hide History or Show History.

Modify the View of the Event Log table

You can view the information displayed in the Event Log table in several different ways:

  • To view a list of events as a series of lines from the indexed files, click Raw Viewlog_event.

    This is the default view.

  • To view the events as a table with column headings, click Table Viewlog_event_tabular.

  • To select the columns that appear in the Table View, click Choose Columnslog_event_choose_columns.

  • To view the events in a two-column table that includes the log line and the corresponding number of times the event occurred, click Summary Viewlog_event_2_column.

Update the time range of the TimeLine chart

You can update the time range of the TimeLine chart in the following ways:

  • In the time range list on the left of the search bar, select a time range.


    The chart reloads and displays the log events that occurred within time range that you selected when the date and time are configured in the template settings. If the date and time are not configured in the template settings, the log events that are indexed within the time range that you selected are displayed.

  • To view a wider time range, click Zoom out.

  • To view a narrower time range, select one of the bars, and then click Zoom to selection.

    If you chose an hour, then zooming in will provide a minute-by-minute analysis of activity. The smallest unit of time you can zoom into is a second.
