Data Source Details Page

The data source details page shows information about the data source configuration and data collection jobs.


Details about the data source.

  • Name

    The name of the data source.

  • Type

    The type of data source.

  • Created on

    The time when the data source was created.

  • Last modified

    The time when the data source was last modified.


  • User name (Applies to: file system)

    The user credentials used to access the data source.

  • Directory path (Applies to: file system)

    The UNC path to the content that is included in the data source.

  • Entities

    The entity types that are on the data classification plan selected for the project.

Active Jobs

Information about the active data collection jobs.


To modify the columns in the table, in the upper-right corner of the table, click the menu icon and select the columns that you want to view.

  • Job ID

    The ID assigned to the job.

  • Operation

    The type of job, such as Offline Content Indexing.

  • Status

    The current status of the data collection job. For example, a job status can be Completed or Failed.

  • Server

    The server involved in the job.

  • Agent type

    The type of agent, such as Windows File System.

  • Elapsed

    The duration of the data collection job.

  • Total number of files

    The total number of files being processed.

  • Progress

    The percentage of the job that is complete.


Information about the active data collection jobs and completed data collection jobs.


To modify the columns in the table, in the upper-right corner of the table, click the menu icon and select the columns that you want to view.

  • Job ID

    The ID assigned to the job.

  • Operation

    The type of job, such as Offline Content Indexing.

  • Status

    The current status of the data collection job. For example, a job status can be Completed or Failed.

  • Agent type

    The type of agent, such as Windows File System.

  • Subclient

    The subclient involved in the job.

  • Backup type

    Not applicable

  • Server Group

    The server group involved in the job.

  • Size

    The size in megabytes.

  • End

    The time the data collection job ended. The time is relative to the Index Server time.

  • Elapsed

    The duration of the data collection job.

  • Progress

    The progress of the job is either Completed or Failed.
