Defining Filters for Content

Filters can be configured to exclude instances from backups. You can define filters on a subclient (only applies to that subclient) or on a backup set (applies to all subclients under the backup set).

For each subclient under a backup set, the filtering specified for the backup set is combined with the filtering for the subclient to determine which content is excluded from backups. Any filtering defined in a backup set is also visible in the subclients under the backup set when the Show Backupset Filters option is selected, and is applied at the subclient level even if backup set filters are not displayed.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server > Google Cloud.

  2. Right-click the backup set and then click Properties.

  3. In the Backup Set Property dialog box, click the Instance Filters tab.

  4. To define a new filter for instances, browse or define a rule:

    To browse for objects:

    1. Click Browse.

    2. Select a view from the list at the top left of the Browse dialog box. You can select objects at any level to exclude instances for the selected object.

      • By Project: Browse and select projects or instances.

      • By Region: Browse and select projects or instances by region.

      • By Zone: Browse and select projects or instances by zone.

    3. Click OK.

    To define a rule:

    1. Click Add.

    2. In the Rule Group box, select the rule type from the drop-down list and enter the appropriate information in the box on the right:

      • Instance Name /Pattern: Select or enter a pattern (for example, Test* to identify instances for which the instance name begins with "Test").

      • Region: Select or enter the name of the region or a pattern (for example, asia* to identify all regions in Asia).

      • Zone: Select or enter the name of the zone.

      • Project: Select or enter the name of the project.

    3. Click OK.

  5. To modify a filter, select the filter and then click Edit.

  6. To remove a filter, select the filter and click Delete; then confirm the deletion request.

  7. Click OK.
