Job Management


The following sections list the alert types available within the Job Management category along with important details such as:

  • User permissions needed to use the alert

  • CommCell entities that can be associated with the alert

  • Criteria that trigger the alert

  • Available alert tokens

Auxiliary Copy

Use this alert to monitor auxiliary copy jobs running in the CommCell (under specific storage policies).

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

Storage Policies

Storage Policy Copies

Alert every n attempt (Phase failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the auxiliary copy operation after a phase failure.

Alert every n attempt (Network failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the auxiliary copy operation after a network failure.

Delayed by n Hrs


An auxiliary copy operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Auxiliary Copy fallen behind alert


Any of the following criteria have been met for the selected storage policy copy:

  • To be copied data is over the quantity specified in TB. Default value is 25TB.

  • Jobs that are over number of specified days old and have not yet been fully copied.

  • More than the default value of 48 hrs is required to copy all data, based on the average throughput of previously run Auxiliary Copy jobs. It is recommended that you adjust this value with an estimated completion time so that the alert above will not be triggered.


If you do not select the To be copied data is over option for the storage policy copy, you will receive an alert when the data to be copied exceeds the default threshold of 25TB. Also, a warning icon appears for the storage policy and the storage policy copy.

If an alert is received, give immediate attention to any abnormal condition. Immediate action will prevent the Auxiliary Copy falling behind the source copy, in terms of amount of data to be copied.

The alert indicates the criteria that triggered the alert, with one alert reason for each criterion above, respectively:

  • to be copied data exceeded

  • old jobs not copied

  • need more time to copy data

Assuming the Auxiliary copy has had no issues and is expected to run for that duration, use the throughput and application values from the Auxiliary Copy Job Summary Report to set the value for this third criterion. For example, application data size is 1000 GB and throughput is 500 GB/hr, set time to 2 hours.


The example below shows how the throughput is calculated internally and can be followed to set the hours value for the third criterion:

Auxiliary Copy Job1 copied 4 TB in 2 hrs.

Auxiliary Copy Job2 copied 2 TB in 1 hour.

Average Throughput = (Total data copied by all jobs) / (Total time taken by all previous Auxiliary Copy jobs)

In the example,

  • Total data copied = 6 TB

  • Total time taken = 3 hrs

Average throughput is 6/3 = 2 TB/hr.

To copy 4 TB, the calculation is 4/2, rounding up to the next hour set the alert to 2 hrs.

If the amount of data to copy increases to 27 TB, set the alert to 14 hrs, if throughput is 2TB/hr.

If throughput increases, for example 10 TB can be copied in 1 hr, then set the alert to 3 hrs, if data to be copied is 27TB.

Fallen behind alert for Silo copy and Snap copy is not supported.

The interval between alerts for this criterion can be configured in the Media Management Configuration (Auxiliary Copy Configuration) dialog box. The default interval is 24 hours, which is set in the Interval (Hours) between Auxiliary Copy Fallen Behind alerts option.

Job Activity


An auxiliary copy operation was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


An auxiliary copy operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled auxiliary copy operation ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


An auxiliary copy operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


An auxiliary copy operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Backup Copy Workflow

Use this alert to monitor backup copy workflow jobs running in the CommCell (under specific storage policies).

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

Storage Policies

Job Succeeded


A backup copy workflow job completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A backup copy workflow job completed with errors.

Job Activity


A backup copy workflow job is killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


A backup copy workflow job failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled backup copy workflow job ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Started


A backup copy workflow job was initiated manually or by a schedule.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Continuous Data Replicator

Use this alert to monitor Recovery Point Creation or Copy Backup operations running in the CommCell (under specific client groups, client computers, agents, or replication sets).

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

Client Groups



Replication Sets

Alert every n attempt (Phase failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the Recovery Point Creation or Copy Back operation after a phase failure.

Alert every n attempt (Network failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the Recovery Point Creation or Copy Back operation after a network failure.

Delayed by n Hrs


A Recovery Point creation, Consistent Recovery Point creation, or Copy Back operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Job Activity


A Recovery Point creation, Consistent Recovery Point creation, or Copy Back operation was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


A Recovery Point creation, Consistent Recovery Point creation, or Copy Back operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled Recovery Point creation, Consistent Recovery Point creation, or Copy Back operation ran late, was skipped, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


A Recovery Point creation, Consistent Recovery Point creation, or Copy Back operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A Recovery Point creation, Consistent Recovery Point creation, or Copy Back operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Data Aging

Use this alert to monitor data aging jobs running in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management permission with a CommCell level association

Not Applicable

Job Activity


A data aging operation was killed by a user.

Job Failed


A data aging operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled data aging operation ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


A data aging operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A data aging operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Data Classification

Use this alert to monitor if any failure occurs when a data classification job runs.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management


Client Groups

Classification Failed


A data classification operation failed to write to the database.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Data Protection

Use this alert to monitor backup/archive jobs running in the CommCell (under a specific client group, client, agent, instance, backup set, or subclient).


This alert can also be configured as a subscription-based alert, which enables laptop users to subscribe to this alert from the Web Console in order to monitor their client backups.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Data Protection Operations or Alert Management


Client Groups



Backup Sets

All Subclients (DataArchiver agents only)


Increase in Data Size by n%


A backup/archive job was at least n% larger in data size than the previous job of the same type (full, incremental, differential or synthetic full). Default is set at 10%.

(n is the percentage of increase in data size, at which if met, will trigger the alert. The actual data size increase may be larger than the n%.)

Decrease in Data Size by n%


A backup/archive job is at least n% smaller in data size than the previous job of the same type (full, incremental, differential or synthetic full). Default is set at 10%.

(n is the percentage of decrease in data size, at which if met, will trigger the alert. The actual data size decrease may be larger than the n%.)

Alert every n attempt (Phase failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume a backup/archive operation after a phase failure.

Alert every n attempt (Network failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the backup/archive operation after a network failure.

Delayed by n Hrs


A backup/archive operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

No backup for last n Days


No backup/archive jobs have run in the specified number of days.

When the Data Protection alert is configured as a subscription-based alert, this criterion is used by default to notify laptop users when no backups are performed.


No backup alert condition is calculated based on the start time of the last successful backup job.

Job exceeded running time of n Hrs


A backup/archive job in a running state exceeds the specified running time.

Number of failed files is more than


The number of failed files in a backup/archive job exceeds the specified number.

Percentage of failed files is more than


The percentage of failed files in a backup/archive job exceeds the specified percentage.

Backup for subclient failed consecutively for n attempts


The backup job for a subclient fails the number of times specified. The failures must be consecutive.

Failed backup job status includes:

  • Job killed by the system

  • Job killed

  • Job completed with errors

  • Job failed

Alert when jobs in pending state exceed n percent or count of n


The number of backup or archive jobs that are in either a pending or waiting state exceed number either as a percentage of total running jobs, or a minimum amount.

Data backed up exceeds n GB


The amount of data in a backup/archive job exceeds the specified gigabytes.

Increase in object count by n%


The number of backedup files is at least n% larger in object count than the previous job of the same type (full, incremental, differential or synthetic full). Default is set at 10%.

(n is the percentage of increase in object count, at which if met, will trigger the alert. The actual object count may be larger than the n%.)

Job Activity


A backup/archive operation was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user, or resumed by the system.

Job Committed


A backup/archive operation was committed successfully.

Job Failed


A backup/archive operation failed to complete or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled backup/archive operation ran late, was skipped, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Started


A backup/archive job was initiated manually or by a schedule.

Job Succeeded


A backup/archive operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A backup/archive operation completed with errors.

No Data Protection


A data protection job failed to start.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Data Recovery

Use this alert to monitor restore/recover jobs running in the CommCell (under a specific client group, client, agent, backup set, or instance).


This alert can also be configured as a subscription-based alert, which enables laptop users to subscribe to this alert from the Web Console in order to monitor the restore operations in their clients.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Browse and In Place Recover or Browse and Out of Place Recover or Alert Management


Client Groups



Backup Sets

Job Activity


A data recovery operation was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


A restore operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

When the Data Recovery alert is configured as a subscription-based alert, this criterion is used by default to notify laptop users when the backup data failed to be restored for a client.

Job Skipped


A scheduled restore operation ran late, was skipped by a user or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Started


A restore operation was started by a user.

Job Succeeded


A restore operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A restore operation completed with errors.

List Media

Note: List Media is available when an alert is created for data recovery operations in general. It is not available when an alert is created for a specific data recovery job.


A user requested a list of media used for the original backup operation.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Data Verification

Use this alert to monitor data verification jobs running in the CommCell (under a specific storage policy or storage policy copy).

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

Storage Policies

Storage Policy Copies

Delayed by n Hrs


A data verification operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Job Activity


A data verification operation was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


A data verification operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled data verification operation ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


A data verification operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A data verification operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

DeDup DB Reconstruction

Use this alert to monitor reconstruction jobs for deduplication databases running in the CommCell (under a specific storage policy or storage policy copy).

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

Storage Policies

Storage Policy Copies

Delayed by n Hrs


A deduplication reconstruction job was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Alert every n attempts (Phase failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the deduplication reconstruction job after a phase failure.

Alert every n attempts (Network failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the deduplication reconstruction job after a network failure.

Job Activity


A deduplication reconstruction job was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


A deduplication reconstruction job failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled deduplication reconstruction job ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Started


A deduplication reconstruction job was initiated manually or by a schedule.

Job Succeeded


A deduplication reconstruction job completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A deduplication reconstruction job completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Disaster Recovery Backup

Use this alert to monitor disaster recovery backup jobs running in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management permission with a CommCell level association

Not Applicable

Delayed by n Hrs


A disaster recovery backup operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Job Activity


A disaster recovery backup operation was killed by a user.

Job Failed


A disaster recovery backup failed to complete, failed to start, was stopped by the system, or no storage policy was defined for the operation.

Job Skipped


A scheduled disaster recovery backup ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


A disaster recovery backup completed successfully.

By default, five backup set are pruned during the operation.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A disaster recovery backup operation completed with errors/warnings.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Information Management

Use this alert to monitor information management jobs running in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management permission with a CommCell level association

Not Applicable

Delayed by n Hrs


An information management operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Job Activity


An information management operation was killed by a user.

Job Failed


An information management operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


An information management operation ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


An information management operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


An information management operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Media Erase

Use this alert to monitor erase media jobs running in the CommCell and that are associated to specific libraries.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Library Management or Alert Management


Job Activity


An erase media operation was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


An erase media operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was killed by a user.

Job Succeeded


An erase media operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


An erase media operation completed with errors/warnings.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Media Inventory

Use this alert to monitor media inventory jobs running in the CommCell and that are associated to specific libraries.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Library Management or Alert Management


Job Failed


An inventory operation failed to complete, failed to start, or was killed by a user.

Job Succeeded


An inventory operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


An inventory operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Media Refreshing

Use this alert to monitor media refresh jobs running in the CommCell (under specific storage policies or storage policy copies).

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

Storage Policies

Storage Policy Copies

Alert every n attempt (Phase failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the media refresh operation after a phase failure.

Alert every n attempt (Network failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the media refresh operation after a network failure.

Delayed by n Hrs


A media refresh operation was in a waiting state for the hours specified by the user at time of configuration.

Job Activity


A media refresh operation was killed by a user.

Job Failed


A media refresh operation failed to complete, failed to start, or the operation was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A media refresh operation ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


A media refresh operation completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A media refresh operation completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor the generation of reports in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management permission with a CommCell level association

Not Applicable

Job Activity


A report job was killed by a user.

Job Failed


A report failed to generate, the operation was stopped by the system, or a report failed to be saved.

Job Skipped


A report job ran late, was skipped by a user, or was skipped due to a holiday.

Job Succeeded


A report generated successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A report was generated with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Virtualize ME

Use this alert to monitor the Virtualize ME jobs running in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Alert Management


Alert every n attempt (Phase failures)


A specified number of attempts were made to resume the Virtualize Me job after a phase failure.

Job Activity


A Virtualize Me job was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed


A Virtualize Me job failed to complete, failed to start, or was stopped by the system.

Job Started


A Virtualize Me job was started by the user.

Job Succeeded


A Virtualize Me job completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A Virtualize Me job completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.


Use this alert to monitor the execution of one or more workflows defined in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management or Alert Management

All existing workflows in the CommCell

Alert every n attempt (Phase failures)


A workflow is in a waiting state for a specified number of hours after a phase failure.

Job Activity


A workflow was killed, resumed, or suspended by a user.

Job Failed

A workflow failed to start, failed to complete, or was stopped by the system.

Job Skipped


A scheduled workflow job ran late, was skipped by a user, or skipped due to a holiday.

Job Started


A workflow job was initiated by a user or schedule.

Job Succeeded


A workflow job completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A workflow job completed with errors.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.