
You can use the Commvault software to back up, restore, and migrate stateful Kubernetes applications and data.


Environments You Can Back Up

  • Automatic discovery and backup of applications by using labels and selectors, or namespaces.

  • Back up any Kubernetes orchestrated cluster, on-premise or cloud (such as GCP, AWS), and managed Kubernetes PaaS offerings (such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

  • Back up Kubernetes applications. An application is a Kubernetes deployment, daemonset, or a StatefulSet.

  • All API resources visible to the kube-api-server, with the exception of Jobs, Roles, and ClusterRoleBindings:

    • PV

    • PVC

    • Deployment

    • StatefulSet

    • ConfigMap

    • Service

    • DaemonSet

    • ClusterRole

    • Ingress

  • Container Storage Interface (CSI) and non-CSI backed-up persistent volumes and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs).

  • Back up custom resource definitions (CRDs).

What Is Not Backed Up

  • emptyDir volumes

  • ServiceAccount + Secrets (cluster level)

  • Role

  • RoleBinding

  • API resources not related to applications

Backups You Can Perform

  • Full backups

  • Incremental backups

When You Can Perform Backups

  • On a schedule: The server backup plan that you assign to the cluster manages scheduled backups

  • On demand: You can perform on-demand backups at any time


Restores You Can Perform

  • Recover a complete application to a previous point in time, including auto deployment to a new application or a new cluster.

  • Recover a sub-application from a composite (custom resource) application.

  • Recover an individual data volume from an application, for attaching to a new application.

  • Recover or download files and folders from data volumes, or application YAML manifests.

Granularity You Can Use for Restores

  • Application and data

  • Data volumes

  • Data (folders and files) from within the volume.

Backups You Can Use for Restores

  • Backups from any date/time, including the most recent backup

Destinations You Can Restore To

  • The current volume, application, or cluster (in place)

  • A different volume, application, or cluster (out of place)
