Library Properties (Space Management)


Use this dialog box to set threshold parameters:

Space Thresholds

Disk free space percentage

  • Low Watermark (%)

    Specifies the minimum amount of free space at which the low watermark warning should be generated. If the amount of free space, for all the combined mount paths, reaches or falls below the low watermark, the system adds an entry in the Event Viewer and sends an Insufficient Storage alert with status Below Low Media Threshold, if configured.

  • Warning Watermark (%)

    Specifies the amount of free space on the disk at which a warning must be generated. If the amount of free space falls below the specified amount, then the system generates an event message and generates Insufficient Storage alert with status Below Warning Threshold, if configured.

  • Notify when library will run out of space in n days

    Specifies the number of days in advance to trigger notification for low disk space in the library. See Modify the Low Watermark for more information.

Thresholds for Managed Disk Space

The following parameters for free disk space is considered for data aging when the Enable Managed Disk Space for disk data option is enabled in the Retention tab of the Copy Properties dialog box.

The following parameters can be established:

  • Start aging when data occupied on disk is n %

    Specifies the disk capacity in percentage that must be reached before data is aged when the Data Aging operation is run. If necessary, use the space to modify the threshold. Note that any predetermined basic or extended retention rules must be met before the data is aged.

  • Stop aging when data occupied on disk is n %

    Specifies the disk capacity in percentage, when reached, data is not aged during a Data Aging operation. If necessary, use the space to modify the threshold.

See Also:

HyperScale Storage Pool - Frequently Asked Questions

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