MongoDB Configuration


The instances page lists all of your instances.

You can perform the following operations on the instances page:

  • Create a MongoDB client.

  • Perform a full data backup.

  • Restore the data.

  • Retire the client.

  • View the backup history. In the Actions column for the instance, click the action button action_button, and then click Backup history.

  • View the restore history. In the Actions column for the instance, click the action button action_button, and then click Restore history.

Instance Details

The instance details page contains the following information:

  • The instance name

  • Install date

  • The plan associated with the instance

You can perform the following operations on the instance details page:

  • Edit an instance.

  • Add secondary nodes to the MongoDB client.

  • Perform a full backup.

  • Perform an data restore.

  • Retire the client and view job history. For information on the job history, see Jobs.

    • To view the instance backup history, in the upper-right of the page, click the action button action_button, and then click Backup History.

    • To view the instance restore history, click the action button action_button, and then in the upper-right of the page click Restore History.

    • To retire the client, in the

  • Delete a subclient. In the Actions column for the subclient, click the action button action_button, and then click Delete.


    You cannot delete the default subclient.


The subclient details page contains the following information:

  • The latest backup information

  • The date and time of the next backup

  • The backup schedules

  • The data storage policy

  • The enabled alerts

  • The subclient content

The following operations are available on the subclient details page:

  • Perform a full backup.

  • Perform an incremental backup.

  • Delete a subclient. In the upper-right of the page, click Delete.


    You cannot delete the default subclient.

  • Modify the security settings.

    For more information, see Security.

  • View the subclient job history. For information on the job history, see Jobs.

  • To view the backup history, in the upper right of the page, click Backup History.

  • Modify the data storage policy. In the Storage targets area, click Edit. Then, from the Data Storage Policy list, select the storage policy, and then click OK.

    Contact your backup administrator for the storage policy name.
