Monitoring Policy Wizard: Schedule Details/Edit Schedule for Monitoring Policy

The options available on the Schedule Details page are based on the type of monitoring policy you create:

Log Monitoring Policy

Use this page in the wizard to schedule how often the monitoring policy runs. The contents of this page are also available in the Edit Schedule for Monitoring Policy dialog box, which appears if you select to edit the schedules of an existing monitoring policy.

Continuous Mode

When selected, runs the monitoring policy every five minutes.


When selected, you can configure a user-defined schedule.

  • Schedule Name

    The name of the schedule.

  • Every

    Runs the monitoring policy on a hourly basis. Select the number of hours and minutes at which you want the monitoring job to repeat.

  • Daily

    Runs the monitoring policy on a daily basis. Choose the start time and the interval (in days) at which you want the monitoring job to repeat.

  • Weekly

    Runs the monitoring policy on a weekly basis. Select the days and the number of weeks that you want to run the policy.

  • Options

    Opens the Advanced Scheduling Options dialog box to select advanced options. For more information, see Advanced Schedule Options.

System Monitoring Policy

Use this page in the wizard to schedule how often system events are collected and how often they are moved to the index engine.

Collect Every: x minutes

How often system events are collected from the clients you are monitoring. The value is in minutes. The events are stored in the software_installation_directory/Log Files/ResourceMonitor folder.

Flush Every: x minutes

How often to move the system events stored in the software_installation_directory/Log Files/ResourceMonitor folder to the Index Server. The value is in minutes.

Flush Every: x events

How often to move the system events stored in the software_installation_directory/Log Files/ResourceMonitor folder to the Index Server. The value is the number of events collected.

Note: The events are moved according to whichever setting value is met first: Flush Every: x minutes or Flush Every: x events.
