Opening the Stand-Alone CommCell Console

The stand-alone version of the CommCell Console can be run either locally from the CommServe computer or remotely on a client computer. The CommCell Console is automatically installed during the CommServe installation. To access the CommCell Console as a stand-alone application, verify the following:

  • The version of the CommCell Console you are using is the same version as the CommServe.

  • The CommCell Console release level must be the same as the CommServe release level. Otherwise, the CommCell Console must be run as a remote application. For more information about connecting to the CommCell Console remotely from any computer, see Opening the CommCell Console with a JAR File.


On Windows

  1. Log on to the computer that has the CommCell Console (stand-alone application version) installed.

  2. Based on your Windows operating system, perform one of the following steps:

    • On Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, and later Windows computers, click the Windows Start menu, and from the list of apps, under Commvault, click Commvault CommCell Console.

    • On computers older than Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012:

      1. From the Windows Start menu, click All Programs.

      2. From the list of programs, click Commvault > Commvault CommCell Console.

  3. In the Connect to CommCell window, enter the following information:

    • Your user name or the email address associated with your CommCell account.

    • Password associated with your account.

    • Name of the CommCell environment that you want to connect to.

  4. Click OK.

    The CommCell Console appears.

On Macintosh and Linux

  1. Log on as a root user to the computer that has the CommCell Console (stand-alone application version) installed.

  2. From a Terminal window, type console and press Return.

  3. In the Connect to CommCell window, enter the following information:

    • Your user name or the email address associated with your CommCell account.

    • Password associated with your account.

    • Name of the CommCell environment that you want to connect to.

  4. Click OK.

    The CommCell Console appears.
