The stand-alone version of the CommCell Console can be run either locally from the CommServe computer or remotely on a client computer. The CommCell Console is automatically installed during the CommServe installation. To access the CommCell Console as a stand-alone application, verify the following:
The version of the CommCell Console you are using is the same version as the CommServe.
The CommCell Console release level must be the same as the CommServe release level. Otherwise, the CommCell Console must be run as a remote application. For more information about connecting to the CommCell Console remotely from any computer, see Opening the CommCell Console with a JAR File.
On Windows
Log on to the computer that has the CommCell Console (stand-alone application version) installed.
Based on your Windows operating system, perform one of the following steps:
On Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, and later Windows computers, click the Windows Start menu, and from the list of apps, under Commvault, click Commvault CommCell Console.
On computers older than Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012:
From the Windows Start menu, click All Programs.
From the list of programs, click Commvault > Commvault CommCell Console.
In the Connect to CommCell window, enter the following information:
Your user name or the email address associated with your CommCell account.
Password associated with your account.
Name of the CommCell environment that you want to connect to.
Click OK.
The CommCell Console appears.
On Macintosh and Linux
Log on as a root user to the computer that has the CommCell Console (stand-alone application version) installed.
From a Terminal window, type console and press Return.
In the Connect to CommCell window, enter the following information:
Your user name or the email address associated with your CommCell account.
Password associated with your account.
Name of the CommCell environment that you want to connect to.
Click OK.
The CommCell Console appears.