Options for Conversion to Amazon

When you restore a VM from a different hypervisor to Amazon, provide Amazon-specific values for the restore operation.

If you are using the import method for restores, when you restore a full Amazon EC2, convert a VM to an Amazon EC2 instance, or replicate a VM to Amazon EC2 by using the import method, Commvault automatically creates an Amazon S3 bucket for the destination. The bucket is named gx-restore-region_name-account_id, where region_name is the name of the AWS region and account_id is the AWS account for the hypervisor.

Restore options

  • Restore as: Select Amazon.

  • Destination: Select an Amazon hypervisor.

  • Access node: Select the VSA proxy to use for the restore.

    By default, the preferred VSA proxy for the hypervisor is used for the restore.

    If you select a proxy running in Amazon, you must enter the guest VM credentials so that Amazon drivers can be injected for the restored VM.

    If you select a proxy that is outside of Amazon, the restore uploads volume information to S3 and uses the volumes to create the instance.

  • If you are restoring multiple instances, click the All Instances tab on the bottom left to specify configuration values for all instances you are restoring, or the name of each instance to specify values individually. Specify the following values:

    • Enable edit destination instance name (for all instances): To change the names of all destination instances, select this option, select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string to append to the original display name to create new destination instance names.

    • Instance name (for an individual instance): Select the instance, and then enter the new display name in the box.


      If an existing instance with the same name exists on the destination host and you do not select Overwrite instances if they already exist, the restore job fails.

    • Availability zone: Click Browse, select an availability zone for the converted VM, and then click OK.

    • Auto select instance type (Optional): To select a specific instance type, clear this option, and then select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

    • Network: Click Browse, select an EC2 or a VPC network for the restored instances, and then click OK.

    • Auto select operating system (Optional): To select a specific operating system, clear this option, and then select the operating system for the restored instance.

    • Auto select security group (Optional): To select a specific security group, clear this option, and then select a security group for the specified network.

    • Specify guest credentials (required if you chose an Amazon proxy): Select this option, and then enter the guest VM credentials, including the Domain / Computer name, Username, and Password.

  • Power on instance after restore: Select this option to start the instance automatically.

  • Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists (Optional): To delete an existing instance and replace it with the restored instance, select this option.
