Options in the Amazon Auto Scale Settings Dialog Box

You can use the options in the Auto scale settings dialog box to configure the scale-out behavior of Amazon access nodes.

  • Server group: Select the empty server group where Amazon access nodes will be created and decommissioned.

  • IAM Role: To enable automatic scaling and backups on the VSA access node, select the IAM role that has both the AmazonEC2RoleforSSM managed policy and the amazon_permission_backup_restore.json file attached.

    You can find the policy in the AWS console at arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM. To download the JSON file from your browser, see amazon_restricted_role_permissions.json.

  • Use default security group: To use the default security group, move the toggle key to the right.

    If you select this option, the Commvault software assigns the default security group that is defined within your VPC, instead of a specific security group for your EC2 instance. For more information, in the Amazon documentation, see Default security group for your VPC.

  • Add: To configure a different security group, click this button.

    In the Add region dialog box, configure the security group settings:

Availability zone: Select the availability zone that you want to use to create access nodes.

  • VPC: Select a virtual private cloud.

  • Security groups: Select a security group.

    After running a backup job, if you try to change the security group for the access nodes that will be launched in a new security group, the original security group is used anyway. To avoid that problem, remove the access nodes from the server group, and then select a new security group. The software creates new access nodes using the security group that you selected.

  • Subnet: Select a subnet.

Advanced Settings

  • Auto select instance type: To automatically select the type of instance that is used to create the Amazon access nodes, move the toggle key to the right.

  • Instance type: To specify the type of instance that is used to create the Amazon access nodes, from the list, select an instance type.

    After running a backup job, if you try to change the instance type for the access nodes that will be launched in a new instance, the original instance type is used anyway. To avoid that problem, remove the access nodes from the server group, and then select a new instance type. The software creates new access nodes using the instance type that you selected.

  • Maximum number of access nodes: Specify the maximum number of access nodes that can be created in each region to back up the VMs in the region.

  • Create public IP: To create a public IP address that can be used to access the nodes, move the toggle key to the right.

    You can configure a network topology for a specific server in the server group and assign the public IP address to that server. In this scenario, when a user accesses that server using the public IP address, the user can also access the other access nodes in the server group.
