Periodic Replication Monitoring


The Periodic Replication monitor contains information about the status of replication groups, replication clients, and replication jobs.

To view information about a replication group, right-click the row, and then click Details.

Replication Status

The following list describes the information that the Replication Monitor table contains:

  • Source: The source of the replication job.

  • SLA status: An indication of whether the recovery point objective (RPO) was met, based on the replication frequency that is configured.

  • Frequency: The frequency with which a replication job is configured to run, such as 4 hours or 10 days.

    Last sync time: The time when the most recent backup of the source VM completed. The time value uses the time zone of the CommServe host.

  • Replication group: The name of the group that you created for the replication.

    To view the Replication groups page, click the link.

  • Status: The status of the replication job.

    This column can display any of the following sync status values:

    • In Sync: The destination contains all the changes from the source since the most recent replication, which is identified by the value in the Last sync time column.

    • Needs Sync: The most recent changes are not yet replicated to the destination.

    • Not applicable: The first replication has not run, or the failover is complete and sync is disabled.

    • Sync Disabled: Replication is disabled.

    • Sync Enabled: Replication is enabled.

    • Sync in Progress: A replication job is in progress.

    • Sync Paused: The replication job is suspended.

    • Sync Pending: The replication job did not start. If the job failed, the failure reason appears in a message when you hover the pointer over the status. If the job did not fail, then it resumes automatically.

    • Validation Failed: After the most recent replication, the destination VM did not start, and then reverted to its most recent valid (bootable) state.


      Depending on the agent selected, some status values might not appear in the Sync status column.

  • Failover status: The status of failover jobs or failback jobs.

    To view additional information about the status value, click a value in this column.

    This column can display any of the following failover or failback status values:

    • Failover Complete: A failover job to a secondary site completed successfully.

    • Failover In Progress: A failover job to a secondary site is running.

    • Failover Failed: A failover job failed.

    • Failback Complete: A failback job to the primary site completed successfully.

    • Failback In Progress: A failback job is running.

    • Failback Failed: A failback job failed.

    • Revert Failover Complete: A revert failover job completed successfully.

    • Revert Failover In Progress: A revert failover job is running.

    • Revert Failover Failed: A revert failover job failed.


      You cannot see the status of failover jobs or failback jobs for Oracle databases or file system volumes.

  • IP Address: The IP address of the destination.

  • Sync direction: The direction of replication, either from source to destination or from destination to source.

    Destination-to-source replication is available only for virtualization clients.

  • Destination: The destination for the replication job.

  • Type: The agent type, such as file system or virtual machines.

  • Last backup time: The date and the time when the backup operation was run on the source.

  • Backups pending to sync: IDs of backup jobs that are not yet synced on the destination. IDs are separated by commas.

  • Last replication job: The ID of the most recent replication job.

  • Last successful replication job: The ID of the most recent successful replication job.

  • Failure reason (source): Any failure that occurred during the backup or snapshot backup operation.

  • Failure reason (DASH copy): Any failure that occurred during the auxiliary copy operation.

  • Failure reason (destination): Any failure that occurred during replication.

Supported Operations per Hypervisor

You can perform the following operations for the supported destination hypervisors.

Recovery target

Supported operations


  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Disable validation

  • Enable replication

  • Enable validation

  • Failback

  • Planned failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting


  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Enable replication

  • Failback

  • Planned failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting

Azure Stack Hub

  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Enable replication

  • Failback

  • Planned failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting

Google Cloud Platform

  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Enable replication

  • Failback

    Planned failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting


  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Enable replication

  • Planned failover

  • Test boot VM

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting


  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Enable replication

  • Failback

  • Planned failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Enable replication

  • Failback

  • Planned failover

  • Undo failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting


  • Delete

  • Disable replication

  • Disable validation

  • Enable replication

  • Enable validation

  • Failback

  • Planned failover

  • Point-in-time failover

  • Test boot VM

  • Undo failover

  • Unplanned failover

  • Validate as per replication group setting


Visibility of operations depends on the replication type and status.

Database Operations

Bring online: (SQL Server) Set a SQL Server database to recovery state.

Virtual Machine Operations

  • Delete: Delete the replication pair. Also provides the option to delete the destination.

    If a deleted VM is part of a replication group, deleting the VM also removes the VM from the replication group, and the VM is not included in ongoing replication operations.

    If a deleted VM is part of a VM group that was replicated by being associated with a replication plan, the VM remains part of the VM group and the VM is included in ongoing replication operations.

    You cannot delete a destination VM if a replication operation, failover operation, or failback operation is starting, in progress, or paused.

  • Disable replication: Disable replication for the selected destinations.

  • Disable validation: Turn off validation for the selected destination VM, regardless of whether that option is enabled for the replication group or replication plan that includes the VM.

  • Enable replication: Enable replication for the selected destinations.

    When replication is disabled and then re-enabled, the next scheduled replication performs a full replication job on the destination.

  • Enable validation: Turn on validation for the selected destination VM, regardless of whether that option is enabled for the replication group that includes the VM.

  • Failback: Switch back to the primary site after a failover. You can only execute a failback operation for virtual machines from the same replication group.

    After the failback operation, the next backup of the source VM will be a full backup.

    For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure destination sites, use Undo failover instead of Failback.

  • Planned failover: Performs a planned failover so that you can test the failover process or perform maintenance on your primary site.

    Planned failover is supported only when replication is configured to use regular streaming backups. Planned failover is not supported if the schedule is configured to run from IntelliSnap backup copies.

  • Point in time failover: Select a point-in-time recovery point to use for the failover operation.

  • Reverse replication: Update the source VM on the primary site with changes from the VM running on the secondary site.

  • Test boot VM: Powers on destination VMs to verify that they are ready for use in the event of a disaster. To avoid conflicts with the source VM and ensure that the virtual machine is not modified by the test boot, this scenario takes a snapshot of the virtual machine before the test boot, boots destination VMs with network connections disabled, and reverts to the snapshot afterwards.

    If you test boot multiple VMs, select VMs that are part of the same replication group.

  • Undo failover: Discard changes from the secondary site and make the original source VM active again.

  • Unplanned failover: In the event that the primary site is unavailable, this option disables replication and powers up destination VMs at the disaster recovery site with appropriate network connections and IP addresses.

    For an unplanned failover, some changes on the source VM might not be synced to the destination VM. For this reason, it is best to use the Failback option only after a planned failover.

  • Validate as per replication group setting: Use the setting in the replication group to determine whether to validate a destination VM.