Recovery Target Options for Amazon

When you configure a recovery target for Amazon, provide Amazon-specific values for the destination site.

  • Select vendor: Select Amazon.

  • Recovery target: Enter a descriptive name for the destination site (for example, DR site 1).

  • Destination hypervisor: Select a hypervisor for the destination instances.

  • Instance display name: Select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string that will be appended to source instances to create the display name for each destination instance.

  • Access node: Select a proxy to perform operations for the recovery target.

  • Availability zone: Select the destination zone.

  • Network: Select a network interface for the destination instances.

  • Auto select security group: To specify a specific security group, clear this selection and then, from the Security groups list, select a security group for the destination instances.

  • Auto select instance type: To specify a specific instance type, clear this selection and then, from the Instance type list, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

  • User membership:

  • Users and user groups: Select users or user groups that should have access to the recovery target.
