Restore Cassandra Data

You can browse and restore backed up data for your subclient, individual keyspaces, or an entire instance.

Browsing and Restoring Cassandra Data Based on Backup Time

You can browse the Cassandra data either from the most recent backup or from a previous point in time.

  • You can restore from the latest backups to keep your content on a secondary storage, such as tape, for long-term storage.

  • You can restore from the data backed up on a specific date to restore to a point in time before the content became unusable.

  • You can restore from the data backed for a date range if your content for that range was deleted accidentally.

Restore Destinations

The destination where you restore data is determined by your restore objective. Generally, you perform an in-place or an out-of-place restore.

In-place restore

When you restore data in place, you restore it to the same nodes (same cluster) from which the data was backed up.

Out-of-place restore

When you restore data out of place, you can restore it to a different cluster.
