Retention Options for Archiving

You can retain archived items indefinitely or for a specific time period.

Data Retention Settings for Moved or Restore Stubs

The data associated with the moved or restored stubs across subclient paths will follow the subclient retention settings of the original subclient.

Data Retention Options Updated from Service Pack 16

Data retention options have been updated and enhanced in SP16. If you upgraded from SP15 or earlier, the available retention options might differ. For more information about the object-based and job-based retention options, see Retention Options for OnePass Client Computers.

For a list of changes in version 11 SP16, review the Changes page for SP16.

Data Retention Settings for Overlapping Subclient Content

If the subclient content in a user-defined subclient overlaps with the subclient content on the default subclient, then set a higher retention value for the default subclient.

Data Retention Settings for Moved Stubs

Starting from Feature Release 11.20, subclient indexing is used on subclients, that enables pruning deleted items from older cycles. Stubs that are moved from one subclient to another subclient are treated as deleted items. When the retention criteria for deleted items are met, the data is pruned resulting in loss of data.

To avoid loss of data, if you are backing up index data to tape media, make sure that you have the last two version's tapes on site.
