Running IntelliSnap Backup Operations That Include RDM and Independent Disks


After enabling support for RDMs or independent disks, you can perform an IntelliSnap backup or backup copy operation.


  • The hardware snapshot for the backup includes RDM LUNs and datastore LUNs.

  • Backups for physical RDMs and independent virtual RDMs are crash-consistent. However, if application-aware backups are enabled, then the backups are application-consistent. For more information, see Application Aware Backups for the Virtual Server Agent.

  • VMware snapshots are taken for independent disks.

Transformations for Backup Copies and Restores

When an RDM or independent disk is mounted to a VM for a backup copy operation or a restore operation, the following transformations are performed:

  • Physical RDMs are converted to virtual RDMs.

  • Independent disks are converted to dependent disks.

  • RDMs are restored as VMDKs.
