System Requirements for Protecting AWS Outposts with Commvault

Review the system requirements for protecting AWS Outposts with Commvault.

Virtual Server Agent Proxy Requirements

To provide better throughput for streaming backup and backup copy operations, use a compute-optimized instance hosted in Amazon. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Instance Types.

The VSA proxy must be in the same Amazon account and located in the same region as the instances to be backed up.


In a deployment that uses resources from an admin account, the VSA proxy (access node) can be in the admin account, but must be in the same region as the instances to be backed up. For more information, see Using Resources from an Admin Account.

For restores, the VSA proxy can be an Amazon instance or an external machine.

For IntelliSnap backups and restores from IntelliSnap jobs, the VSA proxy can be an Amazon instance or an external machine.

The VSA proxy must meet the following requirements:

  • The VSA proxy machine must be one of the following types of machines:

    • Windows Server 2019

    • Windows Server 2016

    • Windows Server 2012 R2

    • For Linux proxy support, configure a VSA proxy on a Linux instance using one of the following methods:

      • Deploy an AWS Marketplace AMI to serve as a Virtual Server Agent proxy for Amazon.

      • Configure a CentOS 7.4, CentOS 8, RHEL 7.5, or RHEL 8, instance with the required software.


        For CentOS 8 or RHEL 8 instances, to install operating system packages that must enable automatic installation of Mono, register the instances with CentOS, or Red Hat.

      • Configure an AWS Linux instance that uses a 64-bit Arm processor with the required software.

        When you use an AWS instance with the 64-bit ARM processor as a Linux access node for VSA, you can back up instances or restore full instances, but you cannot restore guest files.

      For more information, see Linux Proxy Support for Amazon Web Services.

  • Minimum of 100 GB disk space recommended.

  • Minimum of 4 GB RAM required beyond the requirements of the operating system and running applications.

  • The VSA proxy machine must be able to connect to, or the regional equivalent if the Amazon account is restricted to specific regions. To route communications through an HTTP or HTTPS proxy, provide proxy information in the CommServe Control Panel, on the HTTP Proxy tab of the Internet Options dialog box. To use an HTTPS proxy, you must provide authentication details.

For VSA proxies running on Amazon instances, the following additional requirements apply:

  • Windows Server instances where the Virtual Server Agent is installed must upgrade to the latest paravirtual (PV) driver.

  • EBS optimized, high IOPS volume.

  • For streaming backups and backup copies, if the VSA proxy used for backups and restores is running on an Amazon instance, the proxy must be available in the same user account as the instance being backed up or restored, or you must configure the AWS account that contains the proxy as an Admin account as described in Using Resources from an Admin Account. This requirement does not apply to IntelliSnap backups.

Placement of Access Nodes

  • Protection of EC2 and RDS instances via snapshot requires access nodes within the AWS region (public cloud) for optimal performance.

  • Protection of RDS instances (dump/export) and EKS instances requires at least one access node located within the Outposts.

Placement of Cloud Libraries

  • All AWS Outposts-hosted EBS and RDS snapshots will be stored within the AWS region, per AWS Outposts.

  • Commvault cloud libraries (S3) can be located within the AWS region or AWS Outposts.

Supported Countries

You can deploy Commvault in all countries supported by AWS Outposts. For more information about the countries supported by AWS Outposts, go to AWS Outposts FAQs on the AWS Outposts documentation site.

Currently, Commvault supports the following AWS Outposts countries:

  • North America: US, Canada, Mexico

  • EMEA: All EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Israel, South Africa

  • APAC: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India

  • South America: Brazil

Supported Regions

You can deploy Commvault in all regions supported by AWS Outposts. For more information about the regions supported by AWS Outposts, go to AWS Outposts FAQs on the AWS Outposts documentation site.

Currently, Commvault supports the following AWS Outposts regions:

  • US East (Ohio) , us-east-2

  • US East (N. Virginia), us-east-1

  • US West (N. California), us-west-1

  • US West (Oregon), us-west-2

  • Canada (Central), ca-central-1

  • South America (São Paulo), sa-east-1

  • EU (Frankfurt), eu-central-1

  • EU (Ireland), eu-west-1

  • EU (Stockholm), eu-north-1

  • EU (Paris), eu-west-3

  • EU (London), eu-west-2

  • EU (Milan), eu-south-1

  • Middle East (Bahrain), me-south-1

  • Africa (Cape Town), af-south-1

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney), ap-southeast-2

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo), ap-northeast-1

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul), ap-northeast-2

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore), ap-southest-1

  • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), ap-east-1

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai), ap-south-1

  • AWS GovCloud (US-West), us-gov-west-1

  • AWS GovCloud (US-East), us-gov-east-1


  • AWS Outposts does not currently provide io1 EBS volumes (used by Commvault backup copy optimizations). Therefore, volumes created during the backup copy operation will be GP2, if the Commvault access node is hosted on AWS Outposts.

    • Commvault recommends that EBS and RDS backups utilize EBS direct read enhancements, and the backups occur within the region for optimal transfers from EBS snapshots.

    • Backup copy throughput from EBS snapshots n AWS Outposts will be lower than speeds achieved within the AWS region.

  • Data residency:

    • AWS Outposts does not currently provide Amazon S3 storage. Therefore, the Commvault cloud libraries will reside in the AWS region.

    • If localized backup copies are required (within AWS Outposts), the EBS volumes can be provisioned as a Commvault disk library.

    • Commvault backup plans ensure your data residency requirements by writing the backup data only to where you require it (with or without encryption).

    • Commvault can be directed to write to local storage devices outside your AWS Outposts via an Amazon Local Gateway (LGW), if required.

    • Commvault supports a broad array of backup destinations from cloud/object storage, HyperScale storage, Disk Storage, and tape.


Amazon EKS support is currently under validation within Amazon Outposts labs for full compatibility with Amazon CSI driver. Protection of Amazon EKS instances with attached EBS volumes is currently not supported.
