Adding a Red Hat OpenShift Hypervisor


Create a hypervisor for the OpenShift master node.

Commvault only backs up applications that have persistent volume claims (PVCs).

Before You Begin

  • Review the requirements in Red Hat OpenShift: System Requirements.

  • Install the Virtual Server Agent (VSA) on one or more client computers, which can be outside of OpenShift.

    The computer with the VSA installed functions as a VSA proxy. At least one VSA proxy is needed.

  • Identify the OpenShift access URL.

  • Obtain administrator user credentials or a service account and token:

    • A user account that is used to access OpenShift must have the storage-admin or cluster admin role assigned.

    • A service account that is used to access OpenShift must have the cluster admin role assigned. If you are using a service account and service token, record those items so that you can enter them when you add the hypervisor.

  • Identify proxies that can be used to discover applications and perform backups or restores.

  • Obtain Gluster host SSH credentials for Gluster FS endpoints.

    To identify Gluster hosts, use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address, exactly matching the entries that are returned by the oc get endpoints command.

    If you are using a passphrase and key to access the Gluster host, copy the key to a location that is accessible from the CommServe system.

    The user account that you enter for the Gluster host SSH credentials must have root permissions or be part of the docker group. You can run the following commands to add the backup_user to the docker group:

    groupadd docker usermod -a -G docker backup_user


Because OpenShift applications do not have a UUID or GUID to uniquely identify each application, the Commvault software indexes each application with an ID in the form project_name-application_name.
If you delete an application and later create a new application for the project that uses the same application name, the backup history for the new application is indexed using the ID that was created for the original application. In that scenario, restoring from a backup job for the original application might overwrite data for the new application, resulting in data loss.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click Add hypervisor.

  3. From the Select vendor list, select Red Hat OpenShift.

  4. In Master node hostname / IP, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address for the OpenShift master node.

  5. In Hypervisor display name, type a descriptive name for the hypervisor.

  6. Select one of the following authentication methods:

    • User name and password: Enter the user name and password.

      A user account that is used to access OpenShift must have the storage-admin or cluster admin role assigned.

    • Service name and token: Enter the service account name, and then copy the token into the Service token file path box.

      A service account that is used to access OpenShift must have the cluster admin role assigned.

  7. From the Access node list, select a previously deployed VSA proxy.

  8. For Gluster host SSH credentials, click Add to add a Gluster host and credentials.

    The Gluster host SSH credentials dialog box appears.

    1. In the Host name box, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the Gluster host, exactly matching the entries that are returned by the oc get endpoints command.

    2. Under Authentication, select one of the following options to provide credentials:

      • Username and password: Enter the user name and password.

      • Username, key and passphrase: Enter the user name and passphrase, and then click Choose File to select the key.

    3. Click Save.

  9. Click Save.